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Self-Recognition and Authentic Expression – Recovery from Approval Addiction Keith Richards, famed guitarist for the Rolling Stones, shared that while in the grips of any addiction, we will surrender to all sorts of contortions just so we don’t have to be ourselves. For Richards, heroin was the preferred contortion. While for a promising professor, intense pursuit for academic achievement and recognition at Cambridge University was Eckhart Tolle’s chosen contortion, until suicidal depression nearly took his life. Now a renowned spiritual teacher and author, Tolle shares that all addictions begin with pain and end with pain, if we don’t stop running. Although appearing as polar opposites, Richards and Tolle share the same distorted intrinsic patterns that lead to any addictive expression. Tonight, we will explore approval and acceptance patterns rooted in addiction, the contorted formation of self-

Date: 03/19/2014
Location: 1110 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138
Time: 7.00 pm- 8:15 pm

Organized By: Brahmakumaris

Cost: Free of Charge

Contact: 617 547 1110

Web: http://www.innerspaceharvardsq.org/
Email: info@innerspaceharvardsq.org

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