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Boro Holo J
For those of you who follow the Bengali language, this play will surely appeal to you! And children over 10 are likely to enjoy the production as well. A rearrangement of the classic children's nonsense verse Hajabarala by Sukumar Ray,the play marks a point of departure from Ray's story where the nameless narrator "ami" grows up to leave the pages of the storybook and lands in Wall Street...

Date: 09/14/2013
Location: Boston University Dance Theater, 915 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215
Time: 6:30 pm

Organized By: Off-Kendrik, an independent Bengali theater group

Cost: $20 (adults) $15 (student) $10 (children)

Contact: Sankha Bhowmick sankha_bhowmick@yahoo.com

Web: https://www.eventedge.biz/events.php?event_id=129
Email: sankha_bhowmick@yahoo.com

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