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Easy Sanskrit Course - Learn Sanskrit Joyfully at Chinmaya Mission Boston
We are pleased to announce a rare opportunity to learn Sanskrit in the presence of Pujya Swami Ramakrishnananda ji. This 10-day camp is free and open to all. Classes are conducted during the evening hours to accommodate working people. We request interested people to register for the course by sending an email to Venkatesh Tyagas (trvenkatesh211@gmail.com). While we welcome walk-in members, pre-registration helps us prepare enough material for the students. Swami Ramakrishnananda ji is an excellent orator and teacher of Sanskrit, has a very unique and jovial way of teaching and is very popular among the young and the old alike.He is the Acharya of Chinmaya Mission, Nagapattinam (India). He is passionate about Sanskrit and his hallmark is the Sulabha Samskrtam (Easy Sanskrit) Course, which has come as an aid for the bloomers in learning Sanskrit. Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF) offers this Sanskrit course in online, postal and study it modes for which the syllabus was designed by Swami ji. Swami ji conducts various Sanskrit learning workshops.

Date: 06/13/2013
Location: Chinmaya Mission Boston, 1 Union Street, Andover, MA - 01810
Time: 7:30 pm

Cost: FREE

Contact: T.R. Venkatesh (trvenkatesh211@gmail.com)

Web: www.chinmaya-boston.com
Email: trvenkatesh211@gmail.com
Directions: Exit 41A off of Rte 495 North

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