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Know Your Child Workshop
This is a 2-hr fun workshop for parents, grand parents, babysitters and other caregivers (Acclaimed workshop that has been popular in several countries in Europe, Middle East, Asia, USA and South America) ** The workshop is only for adults, but child care is provided at a minimal cost. Please ask us if you need more details!! ** Know Your Child is an interactive workshop for parents from the International Association for Human Values to help them understand children better. KYC does a root cause analysis of children’s behavioral patterns and equips parents with the knowledge to help children blossom to the full potential. These inputs are also very vital in preserving the relationship, as the child grows up to be a teenager and an adult. Discussions/processes from the workshop provide parents with tips to: Communicate better so children will listen Address focus and concentration issues with children Get children interested in studies and school work Finding ways to enhance the creativity of children Deal with stubborn behaviors Nurture children to be free and natural Testimonials --Great. I wish I had attended this workshop 10 years back. 3F and Peace concepts are really eye opening. This is perfect. --I felt it was wonderful course. I found many useful things that I will be implementing -- This was an awesome seminar. Very Open and involved us (the listeners) to participate and ask questions and also share our pain and also our good experiences. Job well done --Very good and helpful. Lot of questions answered specially asthma, breathing, focus and hyper. Love to have more of these at Intel -- I was hesitant to come – what busy parent has two hours to go to a seminar. But then I remembered the importance of “sharpening the sword” a Stephen Covey principle. And I am glad I did. I learned new things and it reinforced the rest. I will put my notes on the fridge to remind me and discuss with my husband. Thanks for Campus + map to address. – Mary J. -- I really enjoyed it. I like the openness+ sharing of examples+ suggestion of what has worked in the past. And how everything (problems, behaviors) tied back to PEACE – Karen C.

Date: 05/17/2013
Location: 545 Grove St Newton, MA 02462
Time: 7:00 pm

Cost: $35

Contact: Samit Bhattacharya Janhavi Wadhwani Vinita Deodhar

Web: http://secure.artofliving.org/course_details.aspx?course_id=14603
Email: aolnewton@gmail.com

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