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Students Of Anubhava School Of Music Shine At Cleveland Aradhana 2014

Ranganathan Godavarti

Cleveland State University once again hosted the 37th Cleveland Thyagaraja Festival, the largest Indian classical music festival outside of India, between April 17th and 27th, 2014.  There were over 8,000 attendees during the 12-day event which brings together some of the finest musicians and dancers from India and US.  A big highlight of the festival is the music and dance competition for the many talented children from all over the US.  Over 600 children participated in various competitions.

Once again this year multiple students of Guru Smt. Tara Anand Bangalore (Anubhava School of Music) won numerous prizes.  A list of the children who won prizes is provided below.

Ankith Bharadwaj is in 3rd grade and learns violin from his Guru Smt Tara Anand. He won the third prize in the sub-junior Krithi category for violin. Ankith’s other interests are karate, swimming and Tennis.

Diya Godavarti is a 4th grader who won the first prize in the sub-junior Krithi category (Age 9). Diya has been learning vocal from Guru Smt. Tara Bangalore for the past 3 years.  Diya is deeply interested in Carnatic music and enjoys learning from her Guru.  She says “I am very excited to get the first prize.  But the main thing I have learned from Tara Aunty is that it is not winning that is important but the learning, the experience and working hard to try and get perfection.  She is the most amazing teacher ever”. Diya’s other passions include piano, painting, math and reading.

Pratik Bharadwaj, a 6th grader, is also a disciple of Guru Smt Tara Anand and learns Carnatic vocal. This year he won first prize in Kalpana swarams junior category.  Pratik has been learning this great form of art at the tender age of four under the tutelage of his guru. He is very passionate about Carnatic music, enjoys singing and hopes to intensify manodharam aspect of learning from his guru. He has won many prizes in various competitions held by prestigious organizations like Cleveland Aradhana, CMANA and Learn quest Boston, Navika Nakshtra and super finalist in Navika Nakshatra in various categories. He has performed in Sustaining Sampradaya in Cleveland held by Cleveland Aradhana and KHMC Boston. He has given solo concerts in India. Pratik is also an advanced student in Piano and will be working towards   releasing a music CD for his school to raise funds for PTO.  He also enjoys playing Saxophone.

Amrita Ajai Thirumalai, a 5th grader, won third prize in Krithi Junior Vocal Girls (ages 10–11). Amrita is a student of Guru Tara Bangalore for the past 5 years. Amrita won the thrid prize in Kriti category for 10 to 11year age group girls with over 40 participants. According to the Cleveland organizers this group was one of the toughest categories to judge as the differences between the winning contestants was very close. Amrita thanks her Guru for inspiring her to do her best and instilling in her a passion for the art form. She is also a keen student of Bharatanatyam. A 5th grader at Cornerstone Academy,  Amrita also learns the Western Violin and enjoys doing crafts in her spare time.

Aditya Ravikanth is a freshman at Acton-Boxborough Regional High School. He won first prize in the Junior Pallavi competition and third prize in the Alapanai and Niraval competitions.   He has been learning Carnatic vocal from accomplished Guru Smt. Tara Anand at the Anubhava School of Music for the last about 8 years. He feels truly blessed to have Guru Tara as a teacher, who through her patient and yet uncompromising standards has inculcated a passion for Carnatic music in him. As a serious student of Carnatic music he loves to listen to masters of the past and present.  He enjoys going to Cleveland especially for the immersive experience and for the opportunity to meet and make connections with peers, who all share a love for Carnatic music. 

Sudarshan Ajai Thirumalai, a 10th grader, won third prize in Krithi Senior Vocal, second prize in Alapanai and Niraval Senior Vocal, and third prize in Kalpana Swaram Senior Vocal. A student of Guru Tara Bangalore, he has been learning for the past 11 years. Sudarshan took part in the 2-week long Cleveland Thyagaraja Festival's Music competition organized by the Aradhana Committee. He competed in the Senior Category for Alapana, Neraval, Kalpana Swaram and Kriti. Sudarshan won in all 4 categories getting 2 second and 2 third prizes. He thanks his Guru for inspiring him always and for instilling in him a deep love for Carnatic music. Sudarshan completed his Arangetram in 2011, and regularly performs concerts in India.

In 2012~2013, the Massachusetts Cultural Council awarded Sudarshan and Guru Tara the Traditional Arts Apprenticeship grant. Sudarshan is a 10th grader at St.John's High School at  Shrewsbury, MA. He learns mridangam from Guru Pravin Sitaram and enjoys playing the Western Drums.

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