Short Rain Jokes
Q: What is a king's favorite kind of precipitation? A: Hail!
Q: When does it rain money? A: When there is "change" in the weather.
Q: What's the difference between a horse and the weather? A: One is reined up and the other rains down.
Q: What do you call it when it rains chickens and ducks? A: Foul (fowl) weather
Q: Why did the man use ketchup in the rain? A: Because it was raining cats and hot dogs.
Q: Where did the meteorologist stop for a drink on the way home from a long day in the studio? A: The nearest ISOBAR
Q: What's worse than raining buckets? A: Hailing taxis!
Q: What do you call two straight days of rain in Seattle? A: A weekend.
Q: What is the Mexican weather report? A: Chili today and hot tamale.
Q: What does daylight-saving time mean in Seattle? A: An extra hour of rain.
Q: Where do lightning bolts go on dates? A: To cloud 9
Q: What did the hail storm say to the roof? A: Hang onto your shingles, this will be no ordinary sprinkles.
Q: What did the evaporating raindrop say? A: I'm going to pieces.
Q: What did one raindrop say to the other raindrop? A: My plop is bigger than your plop
Q: What is a queens favorite kind of precipitation? A: Reign!
Q: Can Bees fly in the rain? A: Not without their yellow jackets
Q: How do lightning bolts flirt? A: They electrocute each other
Q: How do thunderstorms invest their money? A: In a combination of liquid assets and frozen assets
Q: What do you call a months worth of rain? A: England
Q: Why was the blonde standing outside the department store in the rain? A: She was waiting to cash her rain check!
Q: What often falls but never gets hurt? A: Rain