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For The Mathematically Inclined

Anil Saigal

There is a clock that has a special way of telling the time. It does not have any hands or numbers on it, but it has a chimer.

If the time is 1 o'clock, it chimes once. If the time is 2 o'clock, it chimes twice, and so forth. The time gap between any two chimes is 4 seconds.

How many seconds would it take you to know the time, after the first chime is heard, if it is 6 o'clock?


"Dad, where had you been?" asked Ashok.

"I had been to the attic, my son," replied Dad. "And do you know what I saw there? There was a big web with 26 spiders and flies on it."

"How many spiders were there?" asked the boy with curiosity.

"Well, there were a total of 168 legs on the web," answered Dad with a smile. "Now you can find out how many spiders were there by yourself. Can't you?"

Can you help the little boy find out how many spiders were on the web in the attic?


Please send your solutions to mr.asaigal@gmail.com.

Use Problem Solutions M-080510 as the subject line. Please include your full name in the text of the main message. Everyone with the right answer will be acknowledged in the next issue of Lokvani.

Please do not post your solution in Post Comments. No credit will be given for solutions not sent to anil@lokvani.com.

If you need clarification on any problem, please contact anil@lokvani.com.


Problems from 07/22/10


It was Priya's first day at school. The teacher suggested that it would be a good idea for each child to meet every other child in the class. The teacher said, "When you meet, please shake hands and introduce yourself by name."

If there were 15 children in the class, how many total handshakes were there?


105 handshakes.


If A(1, 2), B(4, 3) and C(6, 6) are the three vertices of a parallelogram ABCD, find the coordinates of the fourth vertex D



Congratulations to Kishore Balsara, Sophia Farooqui, Akshay Gowrishankar, Suhas Joglekar, Dhruv Ramanujan and RK Sambangi
, who were winners of the last set of puzzles.

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