An Appeal From Soundarya Lahiri
Rama Putcha //
Appeal for your Support
Soundarya Lahari is a non-profit organization with a charter to
Promote spirituality and education and render community
services particularly to the poor and needy in our homeland, India.
In the realm of community services, Soundarya Lahari's mission is to
adopt a few backward villages in different regions of India , catering
to the needs of education, health and the basic well being of the
residents of the villages.
As the first step towards this goal, Soundarya Lahari has distributed
warm blankets to the homes of a village in Andhra Pradesh. To continue
this effort, the organization would like to provide much needed clothing
to this and other selected villages in all the states in India
We invite your contribution of clothes that you may have no use for,
and stored in your closet/attic/basement. We need clothes for men,
women and children, light footwear (not snow shoes or skating shoes),
bedclothes, and other items such as spectacle frames.
Please ensure these clothes are washed and folded neatly and packed in
Card board boxes ready to be shipped. As soon as you have your boxes
ready, please call your nearest Soundarya Lahari volunteer from the list
below to collect your contributions.
Area Name Phone Number
Boxborough, MA Krishnajee & Rama Putcha 978-263-7036
Acton, MA Surya & Rama Devi Jayanti 978- 263-1246
All New Hampshire Sitaramaiah & Padmani Pingali 603-598-9053
Westford, MA Mallikarjuna Rao 978-692-7220
We need volunteers to act as collecting agents in various parts not
Covered by the above list.
Please contact Rama Putcha (Ph: 978-952-1645 / 978-263-7036) if you
like to be the collection volunteer for your area.
You are encouraged to contact your relatives / friends in other parts
Of the United States to participate in this drive.
Lastly and most importantly, we need volunteers to sponsor shipment of
these collected items for the good cause. If you or any of your
acquaintances have contact with shipping agencies, please contact us.
Our aim is to make the first shipment of clothes before the onset of
Winter in India, so that the poor villagers can keep themselves warm
with your kind gesture.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your generous support.
Rama Putcha
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