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Lokvani Talks To Sangita Joshi

Nirmala Garimella

Sangita Joshi has been in the financial services industry for nearly ten years, as a financial advisor and marketing director.  She grew up in Wellesley and currently lives in Natick.  She went to Boston University for her undergraduate studies and Babson College to complete her MBA.  Richard, her partner in Bullfinch came into the financial services industry in 1985 and continues to devote considerable time to studying financial strategies and holds certifications from the American College as a Chartered Financial Consultant, Certified Life Underwriter and the Certified Financial Planner Designation

 Now, more than ever, people are inundated with ideas and product solutions from media sources and the web.  Bullfinch are considered trusted guides who help clients filter out the noise and find the right solutions for their particular situation.  Their clients range from those just starting their careers to several in their 90’s, which gives them incredible practical experience about financial strategies what work over a lifetime. 

As financial specialists, what do you find the top  concerns for families?  Businesses?

 For families, we typically find that the top concerns are:

  • Financial Disorganization
  • Managing Cash Flow
  • Savings for Education
  • Planning for Retirement

For business owners, the concerns tend to be:

  • Improving the Bottom Line
  • Attracting and Retaining Key Employees
  • Creating Tax Savings
  • Exit Strategies 

 Who are your clients? Do they have to be of a certain income level to take advantage of your services?

 We are here to help people at every stage of their lives.  We believe that it is important for everyone to start planning early, and to review their overall strategy periodically.  For young professionals, the focus may be to assist in establishing a sound financial foundation and to put appropriate strategies in place to get off on the right track.  For established businesses and successful individuals, the planning may involve more complex issues such as estate planning, wealth distribution and tax management.

 What are your areas of expertise? What is unique about the services you offer?

 Our expertise is in helping individuals and businesses grow and protect their wealth.  We take a holistic approach to evaluate our client’s needs.  We help our clients to recognize that any financial decision they make is likely to impact several other areas of their financial world.  Like a pebble thrown into a pond, the ripples carry across the entire body of water.A lot of financial advisors focus just on investments or just on insurance planning.  We believe it is important to look at the whole picture.

How are our money matters different today because of technology?

We take a high tech approach when working with our clients. There is no technology that allows us to shortcut the time it takes to understand our client concerns and family values and business concerns. However, we have recently implemented a proprietary software program that allows us and our clients to access daily values and information on virtually all of there assets and liabilities regardless of where they are held. This platform lets us easily consider the impact alternative strategies might have on their net worth today into the future. We can demonstrate the ripple effect, that is to say the interconnectedness of the various financial components in their life. We can educate our clients and analyze the benefits and tradeoffs of financial decisions.

Give us a real life example of one area in money management that people can do better – savings account, getting rid of debt or any other?

We have shown many business owners how to redesign their Profit Sharing Plan to increase the pretax contribution into their personal account while lowering the overall plan contributions. This guarantees more retirement money without any added risk or cash flow. Often we can take the extra cash flow to provide another benefit to the client that they wanted but for which they could find the funding.


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