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Consciousness-Based Education Develops The Whole Student

Lee Leffler

The world has been floundering for thousands of years because of weakness in education. Even in our modern world, the symptoms of faulty education—war, corruption, poverty, crime—continue to be stark reminders that improvement in the educational system is desperately needed. Most education today offers knowledge of isolated Laws of Nature, and not the totality of all knowledge. Modern education views the student as a container to be filled with intellectual knowledge. The full potential of student is not developed because this model does not expand the learner's container of knowledge. Students find it difficult to keep up with today's rapid pace of progress and over-abundance of information. This creates excessive stress, which can cause difficulty focusing and learning, dropout, burnout and more.

When only parts and pieces of information are studied, only isolated parts of the brain are stimulated. The only approach to education that awakens total brain functioning is the experience of the field of Total Knowledge.

And where is Total Knowledge available? It is not in huge libraries, filled with millions of books that no one person can ever read. Total Knowledge is only available in one place, and that is in the silent Self-referral unified state of consciousness, which can be experienced by any student in the world through the practice of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique.

An educational system that includes the TM technique in its curriculum is called "Consciousness-BasedSM education." Consciousness-Based education teaches intellectual knowledge, and it also expands the student's container of knowledge through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation program. Peer-reviewed scientific research confirms that Consciousness-Based education raises a student’s academic achievement and IQ, improves memory and learning ability, and increases moral reasoning, intelligence and creativity.

American schools that are founded on consciousness-based education include:

Maharishi Academy of Total Knowledge, Antrim, New Hampshire: Boarding school for boys grades 9-12. Opening in the fall of 2008, this new college-preparatory school will be will be virtually smoke-, alcohol-, bullying-, and drug-free. The Total Knowledge curriculum will be unsurpassed, since all disciplines are connected back to the student to make learning easy and meaningful. This "green," rural, wooded 400-acre campus will have healthy buildings, built in accordance with ancient Vedic building principles, Maharishi Vedic ArchitectureSM. Organic, vegetarian meals.

Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, Fairfield, Iowa: Pre-school through 12th grade for boys and girls. This private school has an open-enrollment policy, yet has achieved incredible success in academics, the arts and sports. The School has had over ten times the national average of National Merit Scholar finalists, and more than 95% of their graduates have been accepted to four-year colleges and universities. Three times, Maharishi School students won the World Championship in Destination ImagiNation, an international problem-solving competition.

Ideal Girls School, Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa: School for girls grades 7-12. Consciousness-Based college preparatory curriculum in a serene and protected campus in Maharishi Vedic City, in southeastern Iowa.

Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa: Undergraduate and Graduate degree programs in the arts, science, business and humanities. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

In schools throughout India, the Maharishi Center for Educational Excellence is operating 203 Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools, 28 Maharishi Ideal Girls Schools, and 5 campuses of Maharishi University of Management. Consciousness-Based education programs are also successful in England, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Trinidad and Tobago, and many other countries.

Wise parents, educators and students world-wide have taken advantage of Maharishi's Consciousness-Based education, with scientifically measurable, positive results. By awakening total brain functioning, Consciousness-Based education is developing our most precious natural resource—our children—and ensuring a bright future for our nation and world.

®Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi Vedic Architecture, and Consciousness-Based are registered or common law trademarks licensed to Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation and used under sublicense or with permission.

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Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment student Vishal Bakshi speaks at his graduation ceremony.

A team from Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment wins Destination Imagination World Championship 2007.

Maharishi School students in Fairfield, Iowa are eager to learn from the teachers, who also practice the Transcendental Meditation program.

Students at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa.

Scarborough Hall at the new Maharishi Academy of Total Knowledge - High School for Leadership, a boarding school opening in Antrim, New Hampshire in 2008.

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