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Bharathanatyam, A Poem from a Young Contributor

Sangita Keshavan

Angikam bhuvanam, yesya vachikam sarva vaangmayam
aharyam chandra thaataadhi, tham numaha satvikam shivam

I bow to the pure Shiva whose limbs are the world,
whose speech is all the utterances in the universe and whose jewels are the moon and stars.

When I am on stage
Excitement hits me like a wave.
I forget about everything else
Illusion filling my head with dreams and
Thinking like the person that I am portraying.

I am that person.
I am in that situation.
I am expressing it to the audience,
But I am really proving to myself,
Who I am, and what I may be.

I feel good.
It is part of my everyday life.
It is part of my world.
It is entangled inside my soul, and will never come out.
It will always haunt me,
With the melodious music calling my body and soul to dance.

Where would I be without dance?
What would I do without it?
What would I be?

I think back to the time I first
Started this beautiful art form.
I was nervously walking into my guru's (teacher's) house.

Now, I have grown to be
Someone who can understand
Everything…. No…
That is impossible to know everything
As there is always more of this priceless art.
What will I learn next?

I leave the stage pondering,
But never disillusioned.

(Sangita,12, is in 6th grade and takes Bharatnatyam lessons from Sridevi Thirumalai. She lives in Northboro.... )

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