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Holistic Approach To Mental Wellness

Jaya Asthana

As the next generation of Indian immigrants come of age, many are struggling with issues of assimilation into the mainstream way of life of their adopted country, while retaining their cultural heritage. As a result, stress and tensions increase as they try to adapt to the society, both of their American peers and their Indian families. Such issues are often not discussed or ignored.

To address such issues, Hindu Women's Network presents an online panel discussion on "Holistic Approach to Mental Health." We have an impressive array of speakers lined up, who are experts in the field, both of Mental Health and Hindu Heritage and cultural traditions.

Please join us for this enlightening webinar and gain insights into current problems facing our families. For more details, please see the flyer attached.

For your convenience, the link to the webinar is below. Please attend the webinar on March 22 at 1:00 PM EST and be a part of this lively discussion.

Join Zoom Meeting


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