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Poem: Cherish Amazing Fruits


Cherish Amazing Fruits_______________________


Text Box:  Fruits are so sweet and savory
Make you jump with happiness
With lots of colors and shapes

Fruits make you more happy
Eat them with their shiny skin
Peels are rich in fiber and vitamins

Minerals and lots of antioxidants


Everyone is unable to resist for sure

As fruits are the key to our health
To make children and elderly happier
Give fruits as colorful treats or juices

Fruits are good for our immune system
And their sweet fructose cheer us up
They have the heavenly nectar for our life


Fruits are very delicate and juicy
Do not leave them out too long
They will turn very sad or awful

So, eat fruits when they are fresh

To satisfy our needs from exotic fruits
Eat them in the lounge with leisure and grace

And keep the pangs of drowsiness away


Red apples and yellow pineapples

These are fine and juicy all the time

Oranges quench our thirst in summer

Pomegranate seeds are sweet and crunchy
Guava fruits fill our stomachs full quickly

Plums and pears are delights of the peaks

Citric fruit juice with glucose is the best


Black or green grapes are enjoyable always
Colorful melons, berries, and cherries
Liven up our taste buds with vibrant tastes

Ripe sweet mangoes of bright yellow

Offer in our mouth a sweet so mellow

Bananas are great fruits just to munch

Before begin our day make sure to eat some fruits

Fruits boost energy of our body and soul

Fruits offer numerous health benefits
Fruits are the symbol of success ever
Fruits of labor are for sure sweet to enjoy
Fruits stimulate brain power who eats them

Fruits are delight as dessert after our meals
Fruit signifies fertility, vitality, and abundance


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