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Poem: Ode To Eating Nuts


Ode to Eating Nuts


Text Box:  Eat Nuts every day

They are good for body

To stay hale and healthy

Use them everywhere
On the side, in the middle and

As sprinkles on your desserts

Sure, munch on pine nuts
Brunch on hazelnuts
Aha, lunch on pecan nuts
Or crunch on chestnuts
Nuts are an anytime and

Anywhere satisfying snack
Do travel with them in big amount

In your backpack or tight containers

Relish the taste of salted peanuts

Or roasted Jambu groundnuts
Even munch on Masala Cashews
Kashmir walnuts are tasty too
Snack on slivered Indian almonds
Or even Rajasthani pistachios

Nuts are petite, tasty and luscious too
Nuts hold vitamin B complex and

Vitamin E, potassium and magnesium
And many other anti-oxidants
Minerals and fibres are no less
But minus the damaging fat
You can eat as many nuts as you like

They are magnificent, and beneficent


                         -- Indrajeet

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