Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut will next be seen in the period political drama Emergency releasing in theatres on January 17. The actress has now invited Priyanka Gandhi to watch the film. The film is based on the 21-month period from 1975 to 1977 when former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of emergency across the country by citing internal and external threats to the country.
The actress, who portrays the role of Indira Gandhi in the film, spoke with IANS in the run up to the film’s release on January 17.
Veteran Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon’s Mumbai home was robbed by a man who was a part of the painting team that had visited during the holiday season. She lives with her son Anmol in Juhu but occasionally stays at their house in Khar, which was looted. The police have arrested one person in the case.
Global icon Priyanka Chopra Jonas praised "brave" first responders for working through the night and continuing to help affected families in the wake of the Palisades Fire in Los Angeles. More than 1,000 structures have burned making it the most destructive in Los Angeles history. Several Hollywood celebs have also lost their homes to the tragic event.