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Know The Power Foods For Controlling Diabetes

Dr. Indrajeet Tyagi and Dr. Iranna Hirapur

Know The Power Foods For Controlling Diabetes
by Dr. Indrajeet Tyagi and Dr. Iranna Hirapur

Diabetes, a chronic condition that is marked by elevated blood glucose levels. It is on the steady rise globally. Over the past five years, one in every five individuals diagnosed with this stubborn ailment falls within the age group of 18 to 30 years. According to Ayurveda, diabetes/Madhumeha/Prameha is caused by an imbalance in our three main Doshas - Vata Dosha, Kapha Dosha and Pitta Dosha. The imbalance caused by an excess Kapha is the reason a person suffers with diabetes. Together with toxic mucous or Aama it creates blockages in the pancreas which stops the secretion of insulin, which is what we call insulin resistance. This causes increased sugar levels in the blood and/or urine. People suffering from diabetes can experience an excessive thirst, headaches, carbuncles, inflammatory lesions, burning sensation, indigestion, sluggishness and an excessive need for sleep are some of the main symptoms.


How does the holistic approach help diabetic patients?

The holistic approach help diabetic patients to regain balance with the three Doshas by increasing the Agni or digestive fire, both in the intestine and cellular levels. This increases the metabolism of the liver, which in turn helps lower the kapha imbalance. By embracing the power of nourishing foods one can manage this disorder and enhance overall well-being. Traditional Indian cuisine is rich in spices, protein, minerals, vitamins and fiber, supporting digestion, metabolism, and regular elimination. The diabetic diet foods help with managing diabetes as they are used to minimize the blood sugar in the body. Using herbs and other natural ingredients that reduce blood sugar according to a person’s constituent nature usually consist of fenugreek seeds, Amla, barley, bitter gourd and bitter vegetables, ghee, herbs, and honey.


Herbs and Oils – Carrier oils such as coconut oil, almond oil and castor oil are good for kapha as are healing herbs such as Tulsi, turmeric, Brahmi, and rosemary.

Protein rich food – It is good to increase the intake of chickpeas, moong, lentils, dahi and soya bean products.

Food to avoid – It is advisable to avoid eating rice, potatoes, wheat, deep fried foods, red meat and sweet fruits.

Beverages – Drinking water brewed with basil leaves and neem leaves early in the morning on an empty stomach can help bring down sugar levels. Drinking at least one teaspoon of bitter gourd juice can have a similar effect.

Cooking methods – Steaming, grilling, baking, poaching, and fermenting are some of the preferred methods of cooking.

1. Banana Stem: Banana stem juice has benefits that can play a pivotal role in your well-being journey. It aids GIT (gastrointestinal tract) hydration and accelerates the reduction of blood sugar levels. A cooked stem improves digestion, and evacuation.
2. Onion: Research suggests that onions might possess the potential to decrease glucose levels. Particularly, onion juice demonstrated the ability to lessen blood sugar in diabetic patients.

3. Neem: The Azadirachta indica (neem) is an evergreen tree belonging to the family of Meliaceae. Neem leaves, often called the wonder leaves, hold significant promise as a beneficial option for individuals who wish to manage diabetes. Enriched with bioactive compounds, neem has shown potential in helping to maintain healthy glucose levels. Multiple studies have confirmed the anti-diabetic and anti-hypertension, anti-hyperlipidemia, and anti-obesity effects of neem.


4. Curry Leaves and Cinnamon Powder: Curry leaves are known to naturally boost insulin activity and when combined with cinnamon and fenugreek seeds, enhance glucose absorption. Cinnamon is recognized for regulating blood glucose levels, and aiding in diabetes management. Furthermore, regular consumption of curry leaves can effectively reduce high cholesterol levels, which is one of the side effects of diabetes.

5. Bitter Gourd: According to Ayurveda, the thiktha/bitter rasa helps remove Kleda (metabolic waste), aiding in reducing blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Research studies have shown the significance of hypoglycemic effects of Bitter gourd. Bitter gourd or its juice also supports pancreatic health, aids in reducing blood sugar levels, and contributes to overall well-being.

6. Barley: With its low glycemic index and abundant dietary fiber, barley promotes gradual and steady glucose release, helping maintain stable blood sugar levels. Packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, barley contributes to overall well-being and its soluble fiber beta-glucan, which slows the absorption of sugar by binding with it in your digestive tract.

7. Millets: Millets are gaining attention for diabetes care because it releases less glucose into the blood for a longer duration than commonly consumed rice. Their lower glycemic index aids in blood sugar regulation through stable glucose absorption. Rich in nutrients and fiber, they show promise in promoting well-being and managing diabetes. High-fiber, low-GI (Glycemic Index) meals stabilize blood sugar, decrease cholesterol, and facilitate weight loss, which is crucial for diabetic people. Pearl millet (Bajra) increases insulin sensitivity and reduces triglyceride levels in the body.

8. Amla: Packed with antioxidants, Amla combats oxidative stress, often heightened in diabetes. When pancreas become inflamed, it causes pancreatitis that may injure insulin-secreting cells and result in a spike in high blood sugar levels. Therefore, Amla is known to control pancreatitis and eventually manage blood sugar levels effectively. Its low glycemic index and high fiber content contribute to gradual glucose release and improved digestion. Amla's unique properties make it a valuable addition to a diabetes-conscious diet.

9. Fenugreek/Methi Seeds: With their abundant fiber content, fenugreek seeds play a pivotal role in promoting stable glucose levels. The seeds contain fiber and other chemicals that may slow digestion and the body's absorption of carbohydrates and sugar, preventing sudden spikes. Incorporating fenugreek seeds into your diet can be beneficial for effective blood sugar management.

10. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is popular for its laxative effect and aids in regulating blood sugar. It also improves the responsiveness of the body tissues towards insulin, thereby making insulin more effective. The pulp of aloe Vera could influence insulin secretion from pancreatic cells. Active components present in Aloe Vera also help in lowering high blood pressure.

Apart from promptly lowering blood sugar, these foods also offer the body other advantages, such as enhancing immune function, rejuvenating damaged cells, and addressing various lifestyle-related ailments.

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