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Dr. Indrajeet Tyagi and Dr. Iranna Hirapur 01/03/2025 Diabetes is classified as a 'silent killer disease’ that eats away at the body from within. Diabetes, a chronic condition marked by elevated blood glucose levels, is on the steady rise globally. Over the past five years, a concerning statistic has emerged: one in every five individuals diagnosed with this persistent ailment falls within the age group of 18 to 30 years. In Ayurveda, it's known as "Madhumeha" or "Prameha." If the sugar level is not controlled, then the risk of serious kidney-liver diseases along with heart disease, eyes, nerve problems in diabetes patients can be very high. People who already have the diabetes should always try to control it and those who are safe from it should always try to prevent diabetes. Some foods are recommended by Ayurveda, and offer valuable support for individuals trying to regulate their blood sugar levels. Each food brings unique therapeutic properties, making them valuable helpers in the journey towards better blood sugar control. People should choose a variety of vegetables, focusing particularly on the ones they enjoy. · be fiber-rich Eating a wide variety of foods, including a mix of vegetables, can help people with diabetes stay healthy while enjoying a range of tasty meals every day. Studies show that high levels of blood sugar cause this sugar to oxidate and form free radicals — byproducts that can be harmful to body tissues and health. There is also evidence that inflammation plays a role in the development and progression of type 2 diabetes. Antioxidants can help greatly reduce free radicals and manage inflammation. Embracing the power of nourishing foods forms a cornerstone of managing this disorder and enhancing overall well-being. Traditional Indian cuisine is rich in fiber, supporting digestion, metabolism, and regular elimination. Why Choose Vegetables? Here are the reasons for choosing vegetables include the following: Please provide examples of antioxidants-rich vegetables. Consuming a diet that contains a range of vegetables can benefit anyone’s health, and some antioxidants may have even more specific benefits for people with type 2 diabetes. Antioxidant Vegetables – Vitamin A and Carotenoids-Vision, reproductive, and immune system health Leafy Greens (Spinach), Non-Starchy (Peppers), Root (Carrots) Starchy (Sweet Potato-in moderation) – Vitamin C-Blood pressure, heart, immune health Cruciferous (Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts), Non-Starchy (Red Peppers), Low-Sugar Fruit (Tomato) – Vitamin E-Immune system, red blood cell health Leafy Greens (Spinach), Cruciferous (Broccoli), Low-Sugar Fruit (Tomato) – Protects Against Phenols-irritations to skin, eyes, nose, throat and nervous system Leafy Greens (Spinach, Cabbage), Cruciferous (Broccoli), Non-Starchy (Red peppers), Allium (Onion) – Flavonoids-Heart health, blood circulation, protects against osteoarthritis Allium (Onion), Leafy Greens (Kale, Watercress), Root (Rutabaga, Turnip), Cruciferous (Broccoli) What are the Diabetes Meal Tips? Here are some health tips for eating vegetables with type 2 diabetes. What vegetables to limit to regulate Diabetes? People with diabetes can eat anything they choose as long as it fits in with their specific meal plan. A person will need to take into account the amounts of carbohydrates they are eating at any meal or throughout the day. Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, are high in carbohydrates, but people with diabetes do not need to avoid them but limit their quantity by consulting a Registered Diabetes Nutritionist to develop a meal plan that includes the vegetables they enjoy. You may also access this article through our web-site http://www.lokvani.com/ |
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