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Poem: Veggie Light Diet


Veggie Light Diet

Rise up bright and early

To start your day right

Just come to the kitchen and see

As your breakfast is the main meal

Decide to start the day off
With a nice plate of food
Something steaming and hot

So many options for making

Your wise and clever choice
And none of those options get old

There are soft Idlis and crispy Dosas
and hot magic Ghee Masala Upma

Buttered toasts and Cereals

You can pile any one up and in

For your lunches or brunches

A mountain of goodness
All leafy and green veggies
Full of fiber minerals and iron
Vitamins A B C D K and then E

They are perfect for salads
And also for spicy dinner soups

Today’s first class kale

Spinach broccoli Zucchini

Beet potato and cauliflower

Tomatoes and cucumber

Quash plantain and papaya

To be boiled, baked or roasted
and then gobbled right down.



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