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Adopt A Village Global Foundation Holds Successful Gala


Adopt A Village Global Foundation - Bay Area Entrepreneurial Networking & Fundraising Gala - 2024 

Adopt A Village Global Foundation Inc hosted its first ever fundraising gala attended by 150 guests on Sunday the September 1st, 2024 at India Community Center, Milpitas CA. The evening spotlighted AAVGF's vibrant entrepreneurial and philanthropic indian diaspora led community. AAVGF is so proud to have flex and zoom as our honorees this year and we are grateful to them for our new partnership and grateful for the generosity of  all our event sponsors, supporters, corporate partners and donors, thanks to whom AAVGF reached 25 villages so far to uplift quality of life for our beloved farmers under highly deserved village adoption initiative. AAVGF is thrilled to announce that our fundraising gala was an incredible success, and it's all thanks to the generosity and unwavering support of our wonderful community, said Founder & President Dr. Bhupathi Raju Pandeti. A special highlight of the evening was honoring some of our community's most distinguished leaders.

Adopt A Village Global Foundation (AAVGF) is committed to empower, enrich and enlighten agricultural farmer families by adopting remote villages globally through ecosystems powered by health, hygiene and nutrition verticals by dedicated philanthropists, subject matter experts and doctors worldwide. We focus on uplifting humanity by offering services like COVID Care, Clean & Purified Drinking Water, Medical, Cancer, Eye & Dental Camps, Burial Grounds & Crematoriums, Disease Management, Prevention and Behavioral Health Management schemes, TB, HIV/AIDS, Leprosy and Lymphatic Filariasis – Nutritional Support – Eradication Support, Helping Hands Initiative for underprivileged population in Adopted Villages. Please join hands for a well-deserved village adoption initiative.

With Best Regards
Dr. Bhupathi Raju Pandeti, Founder & President, Adopt A Village Global Foundation Inc.
website: www.adoptavillageglobalfoundation.org

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