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Using Life Insurance As An Investment

Press Release

Q: Could you explain how one can leverage their life insurance policy for investment purposes?

A: In essence, life insurance allows you to take tax-free policy loans from the cash value at a certain period. The amount will vary depending on the cash value, age and interest rates.


Q: Are there any notable risks when using life insurance as an investment?

A: Insurance companies issue life insurance. Consumers should be aware of the insurance companies' ratings issued by different rating agencies. Life insurance will also require underwriting, allowing the insurance company to assess the risk of premature death. and they are forced to pay out. The rating an applicant receives will determine the cost of the premium. Moreover, the insured will be required to make premium payments for a specified period of time. They must feel comfortable with their future cash flow to keep the premium payments so the policy doesn't lapse.


Q: How should one balance the risks and benefits of a life insurance policy as an investment?

A: It starts with understanding the pros and cons of life insurance and their ultimate financial goals. Other factors like age, timeframe and health will determine if it is the right vehicle for them. Also, keep in mind that most employers offer a 401(k) match if an employee participates up to a certain limit. Your company is not going to match your life insurance premium payment.

(Mark Kenney, CFP®, CTS™ was interviewed by Money Geek! Here are top Q&A's from his interview. )

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