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Want To Sharpen Focus After You Wake Up In The Morning?

Sudhir Parikh

At Nataraja Yoga, our mission is crystal clear: to share the boundless benefits of yoga and meditation—physically, mentally, and spiritually—with the world.

Dear Yogis or Soon to Be Yogis :) -

We have a brand new video that we know you'll love! Start your day with an energizing 22-minute yoga routine unlike any you've tried before! This video combines gentle micro yoga movements with dynamic exercises, perfect for beginners or anyone with injuries and conditions that usually make yoga challenging.

Watch the video here: Unique Yoga Routine for All Levels

Why You'll Love This Routine:

Loosen Up Stiff Joints & Muscles: Gentle movements wake up your body.

Increase Flexibility & Strength: Dynamic poses energize you for the day.

Improve Focus & Concentration: Mindful breathing and chanting boost mental clarity.

Reduce Stress & Tension: Relaxing eye exercises and stretches help you unwind.

Highlights of the Routine:

- Micro Yoga Exercises: Toe/foot rotations, butterfly pose, hip and trunk rotations, shoulder circles, neck stretches, and eye palming.

- Dynamic Yoga Exercises: Spot jogging, jumping jacks, squats, back bends, twisted triangle pose, spinal twists, and Super Brain Yoga.

All you need is a yoga mat! This routine prepares your body for deeper yoga practices and sets a positive tone for your day. It's an excellent addition to your morning ritual, helping you feel energized, flexible, and focused.

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