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Lord Hanuman Ji Is The Chiranjeevi And A Powerful Living God Of Kaliyug

Sunil Kumar D. and Geetha Patil

Lord Hanuman Ji Is The Chiranjeevi And A Powerful Living God Of Kaliyug
by Sunil Kumar D. and Geetha Patil 

Lord Hanuman Ji is a deity in Sanatana Dharma, revered as a divine vanara, and a devoted servant of Lord Rama. He is worshipped as a deity who is the symbol of strength, energy, and ability to gain victory over evil and provide protection. He embodies many positive qualities, including strength, courage, wisdom, and devotion. His teachings and His unyielding devotion to Lord Rama not only inspire but also motivate people from all communities and humbly remember him for his selfless dedication to His Lord. In Shaiva tradition, he is regarded to be an incarnation of Shiva, while in Vaishnava traditions he is the spiritual son of the wind deity Vayu who is said to have played a significant role in his birth. His various amazing and moral tales are narrated not only in the Ramayana but also in the Mahabharata and various Puranas.


He is revered as an exemplar of self-control, faith, and commitment to a cause, transcending His outward Vanara appearance. Traditionally, Hanuman is notable as a lifelong celibate, embodying the virtues of chastity. He is specially known for love, compassion, devotion, strength and intelligence. Many people are seen devoting their Tuesdays to the worship of Lord Hanuman. India is filled with simple to the grandest temples of Hanuman in every corner.


Lord Hanuman Ji’s father is Sumeru King Keshari and mother is Anjani, and His spiritual father is Vayu Dev. God Hanuman is considered as the 11th (last) Rudra Avatar of God Shiva. One interpretation of "Hanuman" is "one having a disfigured jaw". Because infant Hanuman Ji wounded by Indra, the king of Gods for attempting to reach the Sun. He is called Anuman in Tamil, Hanumantha in Kannada, and Hanumanthudu in Telugu. His other names include AnjaneyaAnjaniputra in Kannada, Anjaneyar in TamilAnjaneyudu in TeluguAnjanisuta all meaning "the son of Anjana."


Kesari Nandana or Kesarisuta: son f Kesari

Sankata Mochana: the remover of dangers, hardships, or hurdles

Rama Doota: the messenger of Rama

Vayuputra/Pavanputra : the son of the Vayu deva

Māruti: the son of Maruta

Mahakaya: gigantic

Vajrang Bali/Bajrang Bali: the strong one (bali)

Kapeeshwara: lord of monkeys

ViraMahavira: most valiant

Mahabala/Mahabali: the strongest one


Vanarkulathin Thondaiman: descendant of the Vanar clan (Tamil)

Panchavaktra,: five-faced Mukhya Prana Devaru: Primordial Life Giver


Many other gods also gave Lord Hanuman Ji powers and protection: the God Brahma gave him the ability to grow bigger or shrink smaller, the god Agni granted a wish that meant fire could not hurt him. The god Varuna granted a wish meaning water could not harm him, and his father Vayu blessed him with the power that he could be as fast as a wind in his movements and actions.

Who all Gods bestowed their best boon upon Lord Hanuman Ji to be Chiranjeevi?

Lord Hanuman Ji is adored and celebrated by every Sanatani for his unwavering devotion to Lord Rama in all the Yugas. He is considered a Chiranjeevi – a living beings without death/immortal. According to the legend, Hanuman Ji during his childhood grasped the sun thinking him to be a fruit. Indra, fearing Hanuman Ji might swallow the sun, used his thunderbolt to stop Hanuman. The thunderbolt struck Hanuman Ji on his cheek and he fell down on the earth unconscious. God Vayu, the father of Hanuman Ji, picked him up and took him into a cave.


Angry Vayu God avenges this attack on his son by removing air from the earth. Soon all the living creatures started feeling suffocation. Terrified, Devas approach Brahma and prayed for hi help. Soon all the Devas and Brahma reached the cave. Brahma revived Hanuman Ji and blessed him with a boon of longevity and any kind of weapon will never kill him. All other Devas also blessed Hanuman Ji with their own marvelous boons. Lord Indra’s anger also changed into affection and granted a boon that Hanuman Ji can summon death as and when He desires and even Indra’s famous Vajra will not wound him. God Surya gave him the 100th part of his Glare and promised to become His teacher. Yamdev gave Him protection from Yampash, Yamdand, and eternal health. God Kubera assured Hanuman Ji with evergreen energy i.e. relief from tiredness and freedom from his weapon Mace and other Astras. Vishvakarma gave him invulnerability from all the Astras he ever made. Varuna gave Him insusceptibility from his Pasha and said that rain/water will not cause any harm to Him, and He will live forever on this earth. Lord Shiva gave Him imperviousness from His weapons, Trishul and his Pashupatastra.


Other stories also narrate that Hanuman Ji became a Chiranjeevi because of his constant and unwavering devotion to Sri Ram, as He is the perfect example of a devotee and devotion. It is therefore believed that Lord Hanuman Ji is still alive in this age and time, and is residing on the earth.


Why Hanuman Ji is considered a powerful living God of Kaliyug?

Hanuman Ji, one time appealed to Vishnu that He decide to live on this earth till the end of Kaliyug and will promote Lord Ram Katha and liberate people who recite the names of Lord Ram. Therefore, it is said that Hanuman Ji is everywhere, especially wherever there is Raghunaatha Keertan, there Hanuman Ji Maharaj is present. That means, whenever and wherever there is a Ram Katha or simply the name of Lord Ram is being chanted, in some form or another Lord Hanuman Ji will be there.


In the scriptures and Vedas, Lord Hanuman has been described as the God of Kaliyug. It is said that Hanuman Ji definitely appears in front of his devotees who worship Him with true devotion. As a celestial being and an incarnation of Lord Shiva's divine energy, it has been said that Hanuman will reside on the Gandhamadan Mountain in Kaliyug, transcending the boundaries of time and mortality. That is why He has been called a powerful living and always-active deity of Kaliyug.


Hanuman is symbolic of a disciplined, and perfect mind. Hanuman is known to be the “pinnacle of human perfection,” and His pose represents the Yoga Asana known as Hanuman Asana, which in its full expression, is the forward splits. Hanuman Ji is famous for his leaps, as he leapt from the southern tip of India to Sri Lanka to rescue his Lord Ram's wife, Sita, who had been kidnapped by the evil demon King Ravana. This Asana in fact helps stretch and strengthen the muscle in the thighs, hamstrings, and region of the groin.

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