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Know Kanyakumari As A Popular Tourist Destination And Legends Of Devi Kanya Kumari

Geetha Patil

Know Kanyakumari As A Popular Tourist Destination And Legends Of Devi Kanya Kumari
by Geetha Patil

Kanyakumari also known as Cape Comorin is a popular coastal tourist destination and pilgrimage center in India and is located on the southernmost tip of Tamilnadu where the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Bay of Bengal meet. This place is named after Goddess Kanya Kumari, her holy temple is 3000 years old and is dedicated to pure and virgin Goddess called Kanya Kumari It is believed that she is a manifestation of the Sanatana Goddess Mahadevi in the form of an adolescent girl. She is described by various traditions of Sanatana Dharma as a form of Parvati or Lakshmi or Bhadrakali by Shakti worshippers. She is also known by several names such as Shrī Bāla Bhadra, Shrī Bāla, Kanya Devi, and Devi Kumari. She had taken a vow to remain unmarried and dedicated her life to the welfare of her devotees. It is said that she had meditated at the site where the famous Kanyakumari temple is now located, and her spiritual power is believed to reside there.

This temple has both religious and historical importance. It is situated at the mesmerizing scenic location by the side of vast spread of ocean. Its spiritual aura, breathtaking natural beauty and an ancient architecture makes this temple a must visit for both devotees and travelers. Devi Kanya Kumari has been mentioned in Ramayana, Mahabharata, and the Sangam works Manimekalai, Purananuru and the Narayana (Mahānārāyaṇa) Upanishad, a Vaishnava Upanishad in the Taittiriya Samhita of Krishna Yajur Veda. The Vaishnava Saint Vadiraja Tirtha, in his Tirtha Prabhanda, describes Kanya Kumari as Lakshmi, who descended upon the earth to slay Banasura. The author of Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (60-80 CE) has written about the prevalence of the placation of the deity Kanyakumari in the extreme southern part of India. Where in people come to consecrate themselves for the rest of their lives and bath and dwell in celibacy for it is told that a goddess once dwelt here and bathed

There was a mythological story of goddess Kanya Kumari, The devotion of Devi Kanya Kumari dates back to the ancient period of Kumari Kandam, a mythical lost continent. According to this legend, Banasura was wreaking havoc, driving the devas away from heaven and torturing the saints and sages. Kanya Kumari (Parashakti, the Divine Mother) at the request by Bhoomi Devi [Mother Earth] to Lord Vishnu, who stated that Banasura would be killed only by Parashakti in her adolescent form. As per his plan, Parashakti came down to earth to kill Banasura. As an adolescent girl, Parashakti fell in love with Lord Shiva who is now worshipped in Suchindram, a town 15 km from India’s southern tip. The divine sage Narada realized that the marriage of Lord Shiva with Kanya Kumari would destroy the goddess’ chances of destroying Banasura, as a married woman could not kill him. In order to prevent this potential disaster, Narada decided and succeeded in sabotaging the holy couple’s wedding. Then she went to the seashore and underwent a penance. The demon Bana came to know about this incident and he came there. Seeing the beauty of Goddess, Bana fell for her and requested her to marry him. She ignored the request and went on with her meditation. Angered Bana caught hold of her hand and pulled her towards him. First, she was totally in a desperate mood with the happenings and when Bana tried to pull her, she became ferocious. She started fighting with Bana, and at the end she killed him. At that time, all gods and saints appeared there, praised her action, and pacified her. Then she decided to stay there itself in the form of Kanya Kumari.

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