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Poem: Lovely Shravan Maas Rains


Lovely Shravan Maas Rains

Text Box:  Shravan is always wet and cool
We get lost in its delight and glee
In the sweetened songs of rains
We always find new joy and peace
And rejoice with festivals and feasts

In the Shravan’s morning rains
Mind and body fills with elation
Silent relaxed sporadic showers
Turn into sources of excitement
Noble praise and eagerness

In the midst of Shravan noon
Heart and eyes feel energetic
Evening comes down by way of
A shade with desires and pleasures
Singing in craziness with heavens

Shravan’s gray clouds float fast
And the blue sky becomes dark
Even in the shaky shacks and huts
People admire Varun, the rain God
For the upcoming crops and fortune

Rim-Jim Rim-Jim sounds of rains
Come to be a feature in this time
Longing music sets in all-around
Mind feels like dancing in zest
And sing loving rhymes all along

In the dense cool rainy days
Clouds cover the sunrays
Rivers and rivulets overflow
My mind and heart too flow
With the rainy blushing glow

Shravan Maas most auspicious
Cosmos is utmost Shivamaya
It purifies mind body and soul
And peace prosperity and joy
Bestowed on all living creatures

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