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Poem: Chant The Name Of Lord Krishna


Chant the Name of Lord Krishna


Hey you, Human beings

Do you not wish to chant?

The name of Lord Krishna

TText Box:  he Maha mantra of Kaliyug

The Veda Mantra of Sanatana Dharma


While walking or siting

While bathing or doing Japa

Also while meditating or studying

Do you not wish to chant?

The name of Lord Krishna


While having a worldly life

While doing mundane deeds

Also while you still have a voice

Do you not wish to chant?

The name of Lord Krishna


In your happy moments  

In your everyday distresses

On your lively special days
Do you not wish to chant?

The name of Lord Krishna

While having been content

While enjoying the six Rasas and repose

Also while chewing tthe Meetha pans

Do you not wish to chant?

The name of Lord Krishna


To cast away the influence of bad stars

To obtain the blessings of Grahas also

To make Lord Krishna reside in you for ever

Do you not wish to chant?

The name of Lord Krishna

While remembering our beloved

Garuḍa gamana Purandara viṭhala

The solo creator of this universe

Do you not wish to chant?

The name of Lord Krishna


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