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IANH Vasant Festival 2024

Chandana Karthik

India Association of New Hampshire held their annual Vasant Festival on Saturday, May 18th 2024 at Nashua High School South, New Hampshire.


Vasant Festival is IANH’s annual event to welcome spring and celebrate the fine arts, giving opportunity to a wide range of participants in the community to showcase their talent in Indian music, dance and art. This year’s event was a resounding success, with over 1000 attendees, 300+ participants and 70+ performance items across competitive and non-competitive categories. 


The event commenced with Art and Music segments. For the first time, IANH added a Live Art competition segment in addition to Display art. The unique works of art across Display and Live art segments were judged by renowned artists Sunanda Sahay and Dimple Soni.


The music segment was comprised of classical, non-classical and instrumental music. The judges for the music segment were Smt. Valli Amaravadi, Neelima Chaturvedi, Dr. Nanditha and Shri M. Rama Rao.

After the music competition, Shri M Rama Rao and his team captivated the audience with their rendition of a variety of Ghazals.

Following the music category was classical dance, where students from various dance schools in the New England region, rendered Bharatanatyam and Kathak performances. Judges and audience witnessed rich and colorful costumes, intricate choreography and popular compositions.


Next was the non-classical dance category which had the maximum number of participants across age groups. The performances in this category brought in splendid and creative costumes, imaginative props and themes.

 The judges for classical and non-classical dance segments were Smt. Pallavi Nagesha, Moumita Banerjee, Bina Negandhi, Swathi Subramanian and Shikha Vashishta.

Aside from the wonderful display of performances and art, the event included a Vasant Bazaar featuring fifteen vendors from the New England area, displaying clothing, fine jewelry and arts.


Our dynamic youth group also held a snack and pizza counter, and all funds collected will go towards the Derry Soup Kitchen, NH. Delicious snacks and dinner were offered for purchase by Chowrastha, an Indian Eatery. 


Audio visuals for the event were expertly orchestrated by DJ Sameer Chakraborty. Photography was done by Karthik from Light Captures Professional Photography, and stage decorations by Aneesha Karody from Tarana OM Creations.


Vasant Festival 2024 was one of the biggest events conducted by IANH, post the COVID-19 Pandemic. This event would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the IANH executive committee, youth group, community volunteers, teachers and parents.


Please visit www.ianh.org for membership, volunteer opportunities, participating in events and community service. We look forward to seeing you, your extended family and friends at our Diwali Festival in October.


India Association of New Hampshire(IANH) is a non-profit organization that has been serving the needs of the NH Indian and American community through cultural events, community service, educational and social activities



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