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Laugh A While


 My gardener talked to me about edible herbs I can grow
It was sage advice.

 Did you hear about the gardener who went crazy?
He was hearing voices in his shed

 I stood in my garden early yesterday morning wondering where the sun had gone
Then it dawned on me.

 So my neighbour sees me kneeling down, busy in my garden and asks what I'm doing
"I'm putting all my plants in alphabetical order"
"Really?! I don't know how you find the time!"
"It's right next to the sage"

I started growing some fungi in my garden, but it failed miserably
I guess there is mushroom for improvement

  I have a bird feeder in the garden
It also works as a cat feeder

 How did the millionaire gardener get rich so quick?
He was running a huge pansy scheme

Why is Incredible Hulk such a good gardener?
He's got green fingers.

  I used to make loads of money clearing leaves from gardens
I was raking it in

A friend perfected his garden flower beds through a process of trowel and error

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