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Akshaya Tritiya At Sri Lakshmi Temple

Ranjani Saigal

The Sri Lakshmi Temple celebrated Akshaya Tritiya by organizing a Kanakadara Stotram chanting event on Friday, May 10 at the temple. The chanting was done by over a 100 people. 

The word Akshaya means that which will never experience Kshaya that will never diminish. Yudhishtira got the Akshaya Patra from the Sun God on this day which was a vessel that always had an abundance of food.  
There are many events associated with this day. This day marks the birthday of Parasurama the 6th avatara of Vishnu and the starting of the writing of the Mahabharata. This day Sudama, the poor childhood friend of Krishna, met Krishna with just a handful of puffed rice and received a lot of wealth in exchange without asking. It is believed that Ganga came to earth on this day and the Gangetic plains became very fertile as a consequence and brought abundance to Bharat.   

Currently it has become a commercial festival with many people buying gold with the faith that then gold will keep coming to their home. However, the emphasis of the day is actually giving charity which it is believed brings manifold returns. A very special tale is associated with this day.  Once, the great Adi Shankaracharya went to get Bhiksha, that is food. When he visited a house, the lady was so poor that she had nothing to give. Yet she looked around and found one Amla or Gooseberry and she gave it to him instead of eating it. Adi Shankaracharya was so moved by this selfless act that he immediately composed the Kanakadhara Stuti in praise of Mahalakshmi. Goddess was so pleased that she asked Shankaracharya  to ask for a boon. He asked for the poor woman to be blessed and Lakshmi Mata immediately rained golden gooseberries in her home. When you give, you will get manifold. 

The house where this happened is in Kaladi and even today, people flock to this location and sing the Kanakadhara Stotram. The temple chanting was beautifully coordinated and nearly 100 chanters sang in tune. A Mahalakshmi procession followed making for a blissful evening at the temple.

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