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IANH Vasant Festival 2024

Press Release

We are excited to host the 2024 Vasant Festival on Saturday May 18, 2024 at Nashua High South. Please note the change in the venue from last year. The festival is designed to showcase the talents of the Indian American community in all creative forms - dance, music and art.

The event will be held in competitive as well as non-competitive formats. This year's festival will also feature a live art competition for the first time. The reporting time for the live art competition will be 9:30 AM and the competition will start at 10 AM. Please scroll down to see the flyer for Live Art Competition for more details.

The music performances will begin at 10 AM. Music performances will be followed by dance performances. Art submissions will be displayed in the hallway of the school.

Delicious Indian food will be available for purchase in the Cafeteria from Chowrastha Indian Eatery. Snacks can be purchased from the IANH Youth Group Station outside the auditorium. Please note that food is not included in your admission to the event.

The Audio will be managed by Sameer. LightCaptures Professional Photography will be taking pictures of the event, which will be made available after the event. TaranaOm will be our decorators. They will also be setting up a backdrop outside the auditorium, where you can take pictures with your family and friends.

There will be a Vasant Bazar in the hallway where several vendors will be selling ethnic merchandize or advertising their services.

The admission to the event will be $10 per person. IANH members will pay $5 per person as admission to the event. Children under five years are admitted free.

If you wish to become a member of IANH, the family membership fee is only $15 for the year. The membership expires on December 31 each year. We recommend life membership for the family for a one-time payment of $150. if you wish to become a member, please click on IANH - Online membership Form

Any questions about the event, please email to our cultural team at cultural@ianh.org.

2024 IANH Vasant Festival - Performance Categories: The 2024 Vasant Festival will feature music, dance and art in competitive and non-competitive formats. This year's festival will also feature a live art competition for the first time. Please scroll down to see the participation categories.

2024 IANH Vasant Festival - Vasant Bazar: The Vasant Bazar at the 2024 IANH Vasant Festival will feature more than a dozen vendor booths. 

Volunteers needed for 2024 IANH Vasant Festival: As we start the prep work for a packed agenda, we look forward to your support to make the event successful. 

2024 IANH Vasant Festival - Performance Categories

The 2024 Vasant Festival will feature music, dance and art in competitive and non-competitive formats. This year's festival will also feature a live art competition for the first time.

Performance Categories

1.     Competitive Music Categories

  • Classical solo/group Vocal Music 
  • Non-classical solo/group Vocal Music 
  • Solo/group Instrumental Music

2.     Competitive Dance Categories 

  • Classical Dance (groups of 2 or more)
  •  Non-classical dance (groups of 2 or more)

3.     Competitive Art Categories 

  • Solo Display Art
  •  Solo Live Art

4.     Non-competitive Music Categories

  • Classical Music (groups of 2 or more) 
  • Non-classical Music (groups of 2 or more) 

5.     Non-competitive Dance Categories

  • Classical Dance (groups of 2 or more) 
  • Non-classical Dance (groups of 2 or more) 

6.     Non-Competitive Art Categories 

  • Solo Display Art


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