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AIF New England Chapter Breaks Record Fundraising On Its 20th Anniversary

Pallavi Bali Arora

American India Foundation’s (AIF) New England Chapter’s 20th Anniversary Gala was truly remarkable! The sold-out event on May 11th at the Renaissance Waterfront Hotel in Boston not only raised record funds with close to $1.3m for programs in India but was everything a fun celebration should be.

The gala was a blend of modernity and the chapter’s rich history and tradition. Gala chairs, Vivek, and Pallavi Arora (both under 40) and Nirmala and Paramesh Garimella who have had 18+ years of association of AIF signify this rich and evolving organization. Keeping with the theme of celebrating those that have been associated with the chapter for years, the Honoree for the year was Naveen Wadhera, Managing Director of TA associates who was one of the founding members of the AIF New England chapter. He has also led TA associates offices in India and London and his association to the chapter came a full circle with this gala. He was introduced by Chirag Shah, another early leader and longtime supporter of AIF in New England. Raj and Nalini Sharma, the founding members of the chapter shared its early history and recalled the first event at their own home where art by Sonika and Vivek Mehra was auctioned to raise funds.

Two mesmerizing performances enthralled the audience: Siren, a dance performance by Mesma S Belsare and Ramya Shankaran and the grand finale saw the famous A Capella band, Penn Masala perform some Bollywood melodies in their unique style.

The evening also witnessed the story of the chapter’s growth with early founders Raj and Nalini Sharma, Venkat and Pratima Srinivasan, Brian and Sunita Pereira sharing their thoughts through a video. AIF’s Livelihood and DE programs were also featured. Navjot Singh and Nithya Iyer, chairs of the New England Board thanked all the volunteers, longtime supporters and Board members for their support and service. A special shout out to Srini and Nikhila Ambati and Alankrita Narang who kept the show running smoothly.

Brinda Murthy and Raj Kannan, NE Advisory Board members led the pledge drive which raised a record number for AIF’s programs. Nishant Pandey, CEO of AIF spoke about Women’s Empowerment and how AIF had made it the focus area in all its programs. Tasneem Chipty who is on the National Board of AIF shared a beautiful poem on Giving.

Seema Mody, CNBC  Global Markets correspondent was the Emcee for the evening. A moment of silence was held at the beginning of the gala to pay respects to Rajnish Anand who passed away recently.

Overall, there was a great vibe at the event with over 470 guests, and this extended to the after party which was full till the DJ announced the last song. Like one of the first-time attendees said, “I hope to be invited every year; this is the best event in town.” 

First time attendees Roma and Abhay Mayur commented, “We genuinely enjoyed every moment of the Gala! It was very well executed. The speeches and performances were excellent. We loved the dance performance and the singing by the Acapella group from UPenn. It was wonderful to meet and reconnect with so many people. The food was delicious! The work AIF is doing in India is impressive!

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