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Akhand Ramayan At Chinmaya Maruti

Ranjani Saigal

The annual Akhand Ramayan pat was held at the Chinmaya Maruti temple on May 3rd and 4th. This tradition initiated by the (Late) Ritu Gaind was led by her husband, Jagjit Gaind. 

The reading of the Tulsi Ramayan over a 24 hour period is a tradition that is believed to bring many blessings to the readers. The reading was held at the Chinmaya Maruti Temple in Andover, Ma. On the first Sunday of the month, the group led by Jagjit Gaind reads the Sunderkhand. The annual Akhand Pat is a grand culmination of the year around reading. 
The Ram Parivar Murthies are decorated in a grand fashion and the devotees sit in front soaking in the magic of this great epic which is filled by Bhakti. This version of the Ramayana is a rewriting in Awadhi of the Adhyatma Ramayan written by Swami Ramanand who was a great acharya who initiated thousands in the Bhakti Marg. Several of his disciples became leaders themselves. Tulsidas wrote the Ramayana in Awadhi and Ezhuthachan in Malayalam. 

The reading ended with a grand Bhajan featuring many local singers. For me, the continuous reading of the Ramayan with fellow devotees is a very energizing experience. To learn more about Chinmaya Maruthi visit them at https://srichinmayamaruti.org/

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