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Doors And Rivers In The Sky - An MFA Presentation By Chitra Ganesh


Chitra Ganesh creates worlds in her artwork. Layered imagery—often featuring doors, portals, multiverses, and other porous or liminal spaces—tells stories that are open ended and suggestive of alternative pasts and futures. Hear from Ganesh, the first artist to give the MFA’s Ananda Coomaraswamy Annual Lecture, as she speaks about her work and shares her insights and inspirations.

Chitra Ganesh, visual artist

Ananda Coomaraswamy Annual Lecture
Doors and Rivers in the Sky
Sunday, May 5, 2024
2:00 pm–3:00 pm
Harry and Mildred Remis Auditorium (Auditorium 161)
Ticket Required

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