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Know The Health Benefits Of Amla/Amalaki

Madhumati Tyagi and Geetha Patil

Know The Health Benefits Of Amla/Amalaki
by Madhumati Tyagi and Geetha Patil

Amla also known as Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) is a little green fruit renowned for its impressive list of health benefits and all-encompassing support especially in the world of Ayurveda. It has high concentration of natural antioxidants and vitamin C. Amla is a powerful herb for strengthening the immune system, nourishing the tissues, and gently removing toxins. Its wondrous healing properties extend throughout the entire physiology, supporting the body from head to toe, gut to brain, and skin to teeth to hair— and beyond.


Amalaki is the Sanskrit name for the Indian gooseberry that grows throughout India and bears small, fibrous, sour-tasting fruits. The slim, graceful tree with its feathery leaves and light green flowers is considered sacred in Bharat. The prominent sour feature of the fruit that it inspired the name Amla, which literally means “sour” in Hindi. This tree is known by other names meaning “mother,” “nurse,” and “immortality”—are testaments to the power of this medicinal plant and the healing capacity of its fruits.


What is the significance of Amla in Ayurveda?

Amla has been used in the Ayurvedic tradition for thousands of years to pacify all three Doshas of vata, pitta, and kapha, though it is especially calming to pitta. Amla is said to have a rasa (taste) that is primarily sour, as well as sweet, pungent, bitter, and astringent. Its virya (action) is cooling, and its vipaka (post-digestive effect) is sweet. From an Ayurvedic perspective, digestion begins with the experience of taste. Because Amla contains five of the six tastes, lacking only the salty taste, it stimulates digestion, improves appetite, and kindles Agni (the digestive fire) without causing harm or imbalance to pitta. However, it clears excess pitta from the digestive tract especially during the summer months when pitta’s heat tends to accumulate in the body. It not only clears and detoxifies the system, but also this Rasayana herb has deeply rejuvenating and nourishing properties throughout the body. These properties make it a powerful contributor to the formation of ojas, the body’s essential reserve of immunity and youthfulness

Are there vitamins in Amla?

Amalaki is popularly known to be a natural source of antioxidants due to its rich phytochemistry with the presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and polyphenol content. Amla, small, tart fruit has one of the highest known concentrations of vitamin C in the plant kingdom and the presence of tannins in it help to maintain the vitamin content even through processing and contributes effectiveness in supporting a healthy digestive tract and the body's natural cleansing process. Amla is also an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin E, as well as iron, calcium, and dietary fiber.


How to use Amla?

There are countless ways that it can be used—both internally and externally—to support thriving health.

·      Amla can be eaten fresh or used in cooking and most versions of an Amla supplement on the market today are made from fruit that has been dried and powdered

·      Taking Amla powder mixed with warm water or another anupan (carrier substance) such as honey, or ghee, is one of the most traditional methods of consumption.

·      You can make a juice of Amla fruit and then drink it. This juice can also be mixed with carrot, lemon, ginger, honey, and Jaggery to enhance taste and nutrients.

·      Amla fruit can also be dried or candied. It increases the lifespan of the fruit and you can keep it for years. Dried Amla is especially very beneficial in dry cough.

·      You can take Amla in the form of powder. This powder can be added to lukewarm water, honey, or any of the Ayurvedic drinks or herbal teas.

Note: But, Amla or any sour food product should never be consumed with dairy products. They are incompatible and can have serious side effects on health.

What are the Amla benefits and uses?

Amla’s powerful rejuvenating properties, along with its high concentration of antioxidants and vitamin C, make it incredibly supportive for the entire body. It is known to strengthen the immune system, support healthy digestion and elimination, and enhance longevity, among many other benefits.

·       Fosters a healthy immune system: Amla is highly nourishing and rejuvenating to the tissues and supports robust health in the entire functioning of the body. It cultivates youthfulness, bolsters a healthy immune system, and promotes overall health and well-being.

·       Enhances digestive health: Amla’s strong sour taste is known to activate and support digestion, helping the body to easily digest, absorb, and assimilate nutrients. It also cleanses and protects the liver, which plays a critical role in transforming food into physiologically useful nourishment.

·       Promotes proper elimination: Its high antioxidant content and cleansing nature supports natural detoxification in the GI tract and throughout the body. It also soothes GI tract especially when the excess heat of pitta Dosha is creating digestive disturbance, tones, and rejuvenates the bowels, supporting proper and regular elimination of toxins.

·       Maintains healthy blood sugar levels: Amla’s ability to stimulate microcirculation and cleanse the blood help to promote healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range. It also has an affinity for the urinary tract and the healthy excretion of urine, which goes hand in hand with balanced blood sugar levels.

·       Strengthens the bones, teeth, and nails: Its toning and rejuvenating properties help strengthen the entire body, and building strong and healthy bones, teeth, and nails.

·       Fosters thick, healthy hair: Amla is revered for its ability to nourish and rejuvenate the health of the hair, leading to full, lustrous, shining locks—especially when it is used in a hair oil. Amla hair masks and hair oils are highly beneficial as they give the required nutrition, moisture content, and black color to your hair.

·       Nourishes the heart and respiratory system: Amla helps promote healthy circulation, toning the muscle of the heart, and support the health of the lungs.

·       Calms the mind and emotions: Amla supports a clear mind and enhances memory. It has a sattvic nature that fosters subtle awareness, balances emotions, and brings a sense of calm to the mind.

·       Pollen Protection: The perfect herbal ally for seasonal shifts, Eating raw Amla/ tablets support a healthy response to seasonal irritants and promote respiratory health.

·       Promotes healthy eyes: Amla is very effective in improving vision. It is known as “chakshushya” in Ayurveda, which means the one “strengthening the eyes”. Amla is rich in vitamins and minerals and has been widely used for improving eye health. It is a good tonic for the eyes.

·       Skincare: Healthy and glowing skin is also one of the benefits of Amla in your diet. The antioxidant properties of Amla will help in making your blood clean. Healthy blood means a healthy body and a healthy body will naturally have glowing skin.

·      Anti-aging: Amla, if consumed on a daily basis can help you look younger than your age. It improves your overall health and you can live a long and happy life. It also improves your strength and flexibility.

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