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Poem: Happy Women’s Day Sonnet

Geetha Patil

Happy Women’s Day Sonnet


Women in Bharat Varsha

Text Box:  No longer weak and meek

They are powerful with firm faith
Their inner strength and willpower

Not allow anyone to break or bend

Their self-confidence, their Shakti image
And shatter their ego and bury their history
They refuse to be on the last rung of the ladder

They want to be equal in status and wages

They wish to run as the other wheel of Jeevan Rath

With equal speed and proficiency

Indian women displaying their talents

In all walks of life holding their super places

With grace, fight oppression and suppression

And any irony that causes pain and distress
They are at the top of the national lists

They score well in education, careers, and politics

They do magic in science, sports, music, and art

Literature and space nothing goes ahead without them

They are serving nation with all their laksha

And bringing glory with all their might

Their contributions set the world on fire


As mothers, they nurture their children

With love, utmost affection, and care

They support their families and the nation

With their hard work from dawn to dusk

They persevere our dharma, culture, and values
As wives, they stand with their husbands
Support them through thick and thin movements
and bear with patience painful and bitter events
As daughters and daughter-in-laws

They care all elders with love and devotion

They shed no tears while building sweet homes

                                               --Geetha Patil

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