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Best Foods To Eat In The Morning

Dr. Indrajeet Tyagi and Dr. Iranna Hirapur

Best Foods To Eat In The Morning
by Dr. Indrajeet Tyagi and Dr. Iranna Hirapur

According to Ayurveda food is a remedy for many health problems that start in the gut and these can be regulated and/or prevented with the appropriate diet. Depending on the digestive fire (Agni) that serves as the guardian of our health and the three types of Doshas namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha that determines character and body type require different foods.

We all need to know why people soak dry beans before cooking them. Does it give any benefits? The quick answer is that soaking beans, though not needed, has many advantages — including reducing the gas produced when digesting them and makes the beans more tender after they are cooked. Soaking can help remove 75% to 90% of the oligosaccharides and make it easier for your body to break down the beans as well.


Why should you eat a warm breakfast?

Every organ has active phases and rest phases. During the morning, our digestive fire “Agni” is still asleep; the Dosha Kapha tries to overcome its cold, lethargic and immobile properties. A warm meal gently awakens the digestive system, and it requires less energy to digest. Heavy, cold food reduces the inner fire and puts too much strain on the digestive system, which affects our well-being throughout the whole day. Brown banana bread, crunchy nut granola with warm milk or rice pudding with turmeric, cinnamon and other spices are good alternatives to porridge.


What is the benefit of soaking oats, any grain, pulse or lentil? 

Soaking oats, grains, or any dried beans (lentils, legumes, moong, black eye peas etc.) can help improve their digestibility, nutrient absorption, also break down phytic acid, and reduce cooking time and improve the texture of the final product. Rinse soaked grains thoroughly before cooking to remove any debris or impurities.  Soaking oats, or any dried beans activates a substance called amylase, which breaks down complex starch in them, making it easier to digest. The soaking process also gets rid of all gas-causing compounds, thereby stimulating the digestion process. Eat the following four best foods by soaking in the night before for getting maximum benefits.


1.     Eat soaked oats: You should eat soaked oats to keep yourself healthy as they provide you the best nourishment. You will get instant energy and feel better. When soaked overnight, the starch present in the oats is naturally broken down and the oats through the period of soaking absorbs nutrients, the acid present in the oats also breaks down overnight and these results in better digestion. Due to its soggy texture, it is much easier to consume in the morning. Overnight soaked oats is a true power breakfast that provides plenty of strength and energy. This is because of its high natural protein and fiber. Fiber fills you up and helps in weight loss. Oats are rich not only rich in protein, but also magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and omega3 fatty acid. You need to soak oats at least 6 to 7 hours and in the morning, you can eat soaked oats with normal temperature yogurt, skimmed milk, almond milk, coconut milk or any plant based milk.


2.     Soaking beans before cooking and using sprouts in your diet: Soak any dry beans, lentils, peas, and other little seeds in lentils or beans before cooking, as they are rich sources of iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and phosphorous. If you let them sprout then, they will have more vitamin c and other chemical compounds that help reduce gas production during digestion process.


3.     Jeera water: When you drink water of soaked Jeera (cumin seeds) in the morning will improve metabolism, reduce belly fat, diarrhea, and nausea. Abundant calcium and iron are present in Jeera water and it is believed to help reduce bloating and flatulence during pregnancy also. The hot nature of Jeera water assists in drying all the mucus by providing relief from cough and cold and cures sore throat, cough, cold and other respiratory problems. The potent chemical compound thymoquinone in Jeera water shields the liver from inflammation, promotes liver health, and helps in easing abdominal cramp and stomach pain. Additionally, the powerful anti-inflammatory effects of Jeera water lessen pain and inflammation associated with other conditions.


4.     Copper vessel use: Copper (Cu) is one of eight essential plant micronutrients required for many enzymatic activities and for chlorophyll and seed production. It is also a mineral that is found throughout the human body that helps your body make red blood cells and keeps nerve cells and your immune system healthy. It also helps form collagen, an important part of bones and connective tissue. Copper acts as an antioxidant and reduces free radicals that can damage cells and DNA.

What are the basic principles of an Ayurvedic for having breakfast in the morning?

·       No matter what Dosha type you are, nutritious, light, warm porridge forms the basis of an Ayurvedic breakfast. But if you feel better and mentally fit without breakfast, you can stick to that. Instead of eating a plate full breakfast, enjoy a warm, nutritious glass of nut milk or “Golden Milk” or Turmeric milk.

·       Drink a glass of boiled water (at drinking temperature) when you wake up. This activates the digestive system and balances out fluid loss. You can add lemon juice to taste. Fill up copper Jug with normal water at the night before and enjoy the drink in the morning. It is also recommended as a thirst quencher throughout the day – cold drinks can slow down the digestive system.

·       Warm food is easier to digest, as the gastro-intestinal tract requires less energy to digest it.

·       Use naturally grown, fresh, regional, and seasonal produce. Prepare the food while produces are still fresh.

·       Do not eat too much. Chew slowly, so you can easily feel when you are full and do not overload your stomach.

·       Do not to mix milk products with acidic fruits. It is better to eat fruits on an empty stomach or steam them (make sure not to boil them so the nutrients remain preserved). 

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