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Samohika Satya Narayana Puja On New Year Day

Geetha Patil

Shivalaya Tempe of Greater Boston organized Samohika Satya Narayana Puja on Monday,  01 January 2024 evening to start the year 2024 very auspiciously by invoking Lord Satya Narayana’s blessing. Lord Vishnu in this form is considered an embodiment of truth in the world. Hundreds of devotees gathered from the Greater Boston area for the Puja with their family members, relatives, friends, and neighbors with utmost Sanatan devotion and fervor. Many devotees stood in the line to offer milk and Jal to Lord Shankar Bhagavan Ji on the first Monday of the year.

The purpose of Satya Narayana Puja is also to bring the Sanatan community together and encourage unity and harmony. It is a common belief amongst Sanatanis that we should focus on universal happiness and unity. Thus, a celebration like this can make the world one fine place to live together and offer prayers and perform rituals together. As it is rightly said that the Sanatan pujas facilitate the understanding of devotional worship while enabling a humble sense of participating thankfully in a bigger sacred world.

Temple priest, Pt. Bharani started Shri Satya Narayana Puja with sponsor’s sankalpam and Lord Ganesha Pujan followed by the Puja of Lords of the five worlds, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Parvati (Pancha lokapalakas), the nine planets (Navagrahas), Indra and the other lords of the eight directions (Ashtadikpalakas) along with their presiding deities (Adhi Devatas and Prayadhi Devatas). Then, Shri Satya Narayana, represented by the main Kalasha worshiped with full devotion and faith along with all sponsors and other devotees. Lord’s worship was perform by offering flowers, fruits, and Akshata while chanting Vedic Mantras. In addition, devotees chanted â€œOm Namo Bhagawate Vasudevaya Namoh:” during the prayers.

Later, Pt. Bharani recite Shri Satya Narayana Katha for all the devotees to listen with full attention and acceptance.  Maha Mangalarati was performed to Swami Satya Narayana and to all the deities of the temple and offered Prasadam to everyone. Temple president thanked all the devotees for their active participation and Vikas Selhi and his team controlled the crowed and helped all the devotees to have full Darshan and Prasadam.

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