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Boston Bhangra Miss Pooja

Press Release

Boston Bhangra is pleased and honored to have Miss Pooja as our artist this year. She is an artist of legendary status with over 4,000 songs to her name! She is by far the most recognized female Punjabi artist of all time! 


In 2006, Miss Pooja began her career with the single "Jatt Di Pasand", which was composed by Babu Singh Maan. The song became an instant hit and gained her fame throughout the Punjabi music industry. In 2008, Miss Pooja was awarded the Best Female Vocalist award at the PTC Punjabi Music Awards for her song "Akh Da Nishana". In the same year, she was also awarded the Best Duet Vocalist along with Gurdas Maan for their song "Tappe". She has also won several other awards for her contribution to the Punjabi music industry. Her career only took off from there with SO MANY hit songs, such as Mera Mahi, Desi Jatt, Seethi Maar Ke, Aashiq, Boli, Gidha Pao, Photo, Dhol Wajda, DJ Vajda, Second Hand Jawani and Malamaal, Pasand, Aetbaar and so many more!!!


We were able to ask Miss Pooja some of the following questions leading up to her time coming to Boston:


1) What made you starting singing Punjabi songs?

My Father wanted me to sing, as I studied music in college and was a music teacher. As I learned different styles of singing from Folk, Shabaads and classical, I was then approached to do an album which was my 1st duet album Jaan tu Pyaari. As I then got busy doing video shoots and more recordings, I took on my singing career as full time and left my teaching job.


2) How have you continued to become a better singer over time?

Learned music, given coaching, practice and try to do better than before.


3) What singer would you consider your idol and why?

Idol - my father, he wasn’t a singer he was a great singer and supported my career and worked and made me achieve my goals.


4) What is your favorite song of all time and why?

Mirza, this is a unique song, the melody, and lyrics also its very meaningful song.


5) What is your favorite Miss Pooja song of all time and why?

All my songs. I have sung them with my heart and try and make sure my fans keep loving my songs.


6) Are you excited to come to the 20th annual Boston Bhangra Competition on Dec 2nd?

Very excited to come to Boston 20-year event, heard amazing teams and looking to see my fans and watch the teams perform, I’m so happy that the younger generation still listen and dance to Punjabi songs in western countries.


7) What do you want to tell all your fans in Boston and the New England area?

I can’t wait to see you all and make sure you all enjoy the competition and support our culture and I can’t wait to perform at Boston Bhangra. Be sure to come and support me as it's my first time performing in Boston!


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