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Laugh A While


  1. Q: What did the wall clock do after it was adjusted for Daylight Saving?
    A: It hung around.
  2. Q: Why do they pick the weekend for Daylight Saving Time changes?
    A: Because the other days are weakdays.
  3. Q: Why did the man sit on his clock after setting it back for Daylight Saving Time?
    A: He wanted to be on time.
  4. Q: Why was Superman so busy after the sun rose this morning?
    A: It was daylight saving time.
  5. Q: Which relative always chimes in about how Daylight Saving Time should be ended?
    A: A Grandfather Clock.
  6. Q: What kind of clock is the hardest to change for Daylight Saving Time?
    A: A sundial.
  7. Q: What is the best pet for daylight savings time?
    A: A watch dog.

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