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How To Remove Skin Tags

Geetha Patil and Dr. Kirankumar Rathod

How To Remove Skin Tags
by Geetha Patil and Dr. Kirankumar Rathod

Skin tags (also known as acrochordons, fibroepithelial polyp, acrochordon, cutaneous papilloma, and soft fibroma) are soft, skin-colored or little darker small bumps or benign growths that hang on the skin. Skin tags can vary in number and are usually harmless and painless. They are common especially in people with overweight and obesity who have folds of skin and rubs together and in older people. They are generally found on upper chest, armpits, groin, anus, thighs, eyelids, neck and under the breasts. These tiny pieces of tissue are composed of blood vessels and a type of protein fiber called collagen and are usually less than 1cm in size and sometimes as large as a grape. They occur in approximately 1 in every 2 adults. Good news is they are not cancerous and do not pose other health concerns.

What are the symptoms of skin tags?

Skin tags do not cause any symptoms. They just break out, get bigger, and develop into lots of skin tags. Even though they are painless, may rub on clothing or jewelry and may get sore and bleed. They are flesh-colored bumps of tissue connected to the skin's surface by a narrow stalk. The color, texture, size and width of their base can vary.

What is the differences between skin tags, warts and moles?

Sometimes skin tags can be confused with warts or moles, but they look different from warts and other benign skin lesions because of their small stalk that attach them to the skin or hang off the skin.

·         Warts tend to be flat and are more commonly found on the hands and feet. Most warts are firm, raised off the skin and have a rough surface.


·         Moles are usually found on areas of skin exposed to the sun. They are usually of a different color to the rest of your skin and can be pink, light brown, brown or darker brown depending on the color of your skin tone. Moles are usually flat and round or oval.

What causes skin tags?

Anyone can get skin tags and the exact cause of skin tags is unknown since some people develop them for no known reason. But it is likely that both lifestyle and genetic along with some health conditions such as in case of overweight and obesity you have skin folds that rub together, if you have type 2 diabetes then severe insulin resistance is thought to cause more skin tags to grow, and hormonal changes in pregnancy contribute to the risk of developing skin tags. If a pregnant woman develops skin tags, they usually disappear after the baby is born.

Are skin tags contagious?

No. There is no evidence to suggest that common skin tags are contagious.

What happens when a skin tag suddenly turns purple or black?

A thrombosed or clotted skin tag may suddenly change colors, becoming purple, black, since the blood supply is inadequate. Such skin tags typically may fall off on their own in 3 to 10 days and don't require additional treatment. The skin tags that have changed color or bleed may require your doctor's evaluation and reassurance.


Can skin tags be prevented?

Skin tags cannot be fully prevented. You can however, reduce your chances of getting skin tags by maintaining a healthy body weight with a balanced diet and exercise. The long-term results after the removal of the skin tag are excellent. However, sometimes the development of new skin tag may occur.

What are the best Ayurvedic and home remedies to remove skin tags?

Ayurveda recommends avoiding foods that increase the pitta, and maintaining a regular sleep pattern

And doing Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Application of Amla, turmeric, and neem powders and drinking of wheatgrass and Aloe Vera juices is useful. In order to overcome deficiency of potassium that cause growth of skin tags and moles, eating more apples, bananas, mushrooms, kidney beans, tomatoes, spinach, kale etc. Including food rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E can cure many skin ailments in a natural way.

Apple cider vinegar – Take 3 to 4% apple cider that we use on our salads on a cotton swab and apply to your skin tags 2 to 3 times in a day and you will see the skin tags falling off with few weeks of its application. The acidity of apple cider vinegar breaks down the tissue surrounding the skin tag, causing it to fall off.

If you are concerned, that it might damage your skin then apply Vaseline or glycerin to the nearby skin before applying apple cider vinegar. In case any skin damage happen, do not be panic it will heal by itself in few days. You can take one spoon of Apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water 1 to 2 times a day. It will help you to improve your immunity, balance the PH level of your stomach, and suppress the growth of skin tags.

Garlic juice and Iodine solution –take ½ tsp garlic juice and ½ tsp povidone/iodine solution. Mix them well and apply it on your skin tags. If do not like the color of iodine on your skin then cover it with a Band-Aid.

What are the best Homeopathic remedies for the removal of skin tags?

Homeopathic medicines give a hope for skin tag patients by removing them permanently from the roots without any side effects. Antium crud 30 and Sepia 30 are best for skin tags on neck, for pendulous tags Thuja occidentals 30 the best and Dulcamara works effectively on flat and under arm and eyelids skin tags. Medorrhinum 30 is also a very effective medicine to remove skin tags. 

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