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Poems: Salutaions To My Teacher & Only You Are The Truth

Indrajeet and Geethanjali

Salutations to My Teacher_______________________


Teacher is like a candle

That removes surrounded darkness

He enlightens us from the ignorance

And shapes us for the future

With acceptable universal ideals

And makes us very humble beings


Teacher is a guidepost for the students

He is the strength of a nation

We are able to stand up straight

And march in the right direction

With his immense worthy wisdom

And enduring farsighted knowledge


Teacher is a skillful craftsman

He makes us good citizens

He harvests good scholars

Prepares us to maintain well

Our present and look forward for

A bright future without much conflict


Teacher is a huge storehouse

Of genuine love and affection

He helps us to overcome every strife

A teacher is not only a teacher

A living and loving God on the earth

A caring parent for rest of our life


Teacher is a precious gift by God

A true Guru behind our success

He is our both-soul and brain

He helps us to achieve our goals

Makes us smart, sharp, and strong

For which our salutations are due


Only You are the Truth __________________


Only you are the truth

Only your name is truth

O, my dear Shyam Sundar

You are the complete truth

You are the ultimate truth

You are the truth itself

You are equivalent to purity

You are delightful

You are beautiful

O lotus-eyed Gopal


Only you are the truth

Only your name is truth

O, my dear Shyam Sundar

Your kindness is like an ocean

That has no shore

Your compassion is like sky

That has no limit

I keep chanting your name

Day and night, and all the time

As you are the only one

Who can shield me always


Only you are the truth

Only your name is truth

O, my dear Shyam Sundar

Keep me on the right path

Do not let me get lost

Let me blossom like a flower

In the garden you created

You give me strength

To face all the odd situations

You provide peace within

Without asking for it

And without any limits



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