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Five Things You Must Do Every Morning

Madhumati Tyagi and Geetha Patil

Five Things You Must Do Every Morning
by Madhumati Tyagi and Geetha Patil

What you do in the first hour of waking up in the morning decides the quality of your day. You must do these things in the morning to stay fit, energetic, productive, and fruitful throughout the day.

1)      Stretching exercises: Humans, like other animals, instinctively stretch after waking up to get the blood flowing and wake up the muscles. Involuntary stretching is the nervous system's natural way of waking up the sensory-motor system and preparing for movement. Do few basic stretching exercises either in the bed or outside your bed. Stretching before getting out of bed can help wake up the body and improve the circulation of blood. It can also turn on the parasympathetic/'rest and digest' system, which puts us in a more relaxed state and helping to start a calm morning and day.

What happens when you stretch first thing in the morning?

When you sleep, muscles relax, blood flow decreases, and heart rate slows down and obstructs blood circulation in certain part of body. If you are sleeping in the same posture all night, your muscles tend to tighten up.  Stretching is associated with transition from sleep-wake rhythm. Although you get benefit from stretching at any point in the day but you can find the morning stretch is optimal because it helps you wake up and loosen up tight muscles for the day. Moreover, it can produce an endorphin rush that can boost your mood for the entire day and proper blood circulation means more nutrients are flowing. And every body part feels energetic. Your brain gets activated. It is like, how you feel recharged when you stretch your hands and legs after long hours of work. Scientific studies have shown that morning stretches will reduce the risk of heart strokes as well. You can do Marakatasan to get rid of back pain. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half-Spinal Twist) will help in cervical problems. Stretch full body after getting off the bed. In one-minute exercise, your body gets mini workout benefits.

2)      Drink Enough Water: There are numerous benefits of keeping your body hydrated on an empty stomach in the morning. When we wake up after sleeping for 6-8 hours, our body is dehydrated. This can be noticed from the morning urine, which is more yellow and acidic. At this time, our body, skin, and brain ask for water. However, unfortunately, most people drink coffee or tea instead of water. These are drying beverages, which take the luster out of the skin, and create acidic environment, which cause gastric trouble in turn. Drinking water kick start your metabolism and good metabolism means your body automatically start breaking down the fat stored inside. Scientific studies have proven that drinking water in the morning increases bowel movement. That means the waste lying in the guts gets eliminated. This results in natural skin glow, better hair, reduction in belly fat and brain relaxation. Just drink plain water either hot or warm or normal temperature as per your choice or weather. Drink as much water as you can and make it your morning routine to eliminate many diseases.

3)      Wash Your Eyes: Your eyes need extra attention in today’s age as it is common to see dry eyes, eyestrain, redness, itching and poor vision.  Ayurveda suggests maintaining an eyewash routine. When you wake up, wash your eyes with cool water while holding water in your mouth. When you do it, your eyes will naturally bulge out allowing more water contact with eyes and helping us to clean better. Now, flash water on eyes for 15-20 rimes. It helps improve eyesight and cools eyes by reducing redness due to high screen time. It reduces the risk of eye infections and improves sensitivity to early morning light, phone, and computer. Flashing water on eyes will give much needed relief and keep them healthy & bright. This ritual also helps to reduce dark circles, excess heat (pitta) as well as revive tired and overworked eyes. Make it a part of your morning routine. 

4)      Oil Pulling: Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice of cleansing the mouth with oil. Oil pulling may kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. It may strengthen the teeth and gums, prevent tooth decay, and freshen breath. Yellow plaque around teeth will be significantly reduced by simply swishing the oil around the mouth. Recent research is now proving that when oil and water are mixed they stay separate and the fat called lipids will cover the harmful microorganisms in the mouth. When we spite the oil out microorganisms are removed. Less bacteria in mouth means less chances of bad breath, ulcer, gum problems and teeth become whiter. Your lips turn pinkish. It is a real mouthwash and when we pull oil, our mouth muscles get properly stretched and get a good massage. This prevents wrinkles and gives better jawline. Oil pulling also helps in dropping smoking urges. You can use one teaspoon full any cold pressed oil such as coconut oil, or sesame oil, or mustard oil in your mouth and keep on swishing it 10 to 15 minutes while you are doing other things and spite it out. After that, you can normally brush your teeth and clean your tongue. 

5)      The First Meal: In the morning, the first thing you eat and drink without water then it had huge impact on your body. At this time, your body is in a fated state. It is ready for food. So whatever you eat it will very well be absorbed in the system. Ayurveda gives great importance to the first meal. Therefore, choose your first meal carefully. Ayurveda says that fruit in the morning is like gold. This is the best time of day to get the maximum nourishment from fruit. Fruits and cooked apples help to create ojas—the final by-product of digestion. 

·         If you are suffering from liver problem or want to reduce body heat, then drinking a glass of sugar cane juice as the first meal will help heal your liver.

·         If you want to reduce body fat, you can have Ashwagandha leaf  juice

·         If thyroid is a problem, then have soaked coriander seed water.

·         If you have weak bones, you can have a grain size chunna mixed in your curd/plain yogurt.

·         To stop hair fall, you can chew a few curry leaves.

·         When examinations are approaching, you can have Brahma Ramayana to increase brainpower.

·         In case you have 2-3 problem at once, then prioritize which one you want to tap first. Then have your first meal accordingly and continue for 2 months and then you can switch to another problem. That way you can tap six problems in 1 year.

After having your first meal, let it work for 30 minutes and then you can have your regular breakfast. Adding simple things to your regular diet can have huge impact on your overall health.

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