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The Importance Of Adhik Maas

Geetha Patil

The Importance Of Adhik Maas
by Geetha Patil

The Hindu calendar system is a Lunar calendar and follows the cycle of the Moon and has 29.5 days in a month where as a solar calendar has either 30 or 31 days. That means a Lunar year comprises of 354 days whereas a solar year is of 365 days. Therefore, every year there is a difference of 11 days between these calendars and that amounts to 29 or 30 days between 2 to 3 years, thus becoming a whole month. An extra month/Adhik Maas is added to the lunar calendar to make both calendars similar.

In 2023, the Adhik Maas starts from July 18, 2023, ends on 16 August 2023, and is dedicated to Lord Shri Vishnu. This Adhik Maas generally occurs between any months randomly. Adhik Maas is also known as Mala Maas because each month of the Hindu calendar was represented by a God but this extra Maas was not having any God initially and was called Mala Maas. Later, at the request of this Adhik Maas, Lord Vishnu assigned himself to this month and named it as Purushottam Maas (the Supreme Divine Being). Lord Vishnu also said that one could acquire Akshaya Phala/innumerable merits during this month by doing good deeds, Japa, Havan, meditation, and Bhajans. Lord further said that if one cannot do any Punya Karya for the whole month could do it at least on the following days:  Krishna Paksha Astami, Chaturdashi, Dwadashi, Pournami, and Chaturdashi. Since then this month has gotten more significance than the other months. In Vaishnava temples, Purushottam Maas is celebrated very joyfully for the whole month.

The importance of Adhik Maas is that one gets the chance to travel to the realm of self-revaluation, self-development, self-reflection, self-assessment, self-retrospection and introspection and develop reverence toward the Supreme Being. This unique and auspicious time is offered to devotees for deepening their spiritual practices, seeking divine blessings, and connecting with the divine essence. Observing the rituals of this month such as reading Purushottam Granth, fasting, prayers, reciting religious scriptures, Mantra jaap, Holding Katha series and performing puja and Havan thoroughly per ones capacity and with pious and devoted mind will enable a person to gain peace of mind and will bring positive results such as will attain good health, wealth, and even Moksha from cycle of rebirth. It is believed that these rituals wash away all the sins accumulated during this and past life.

In 2023, the position of Adhik Maas is further magnified by its rare alignment of Shravan Mass,  a celestial occurrence that is taking place after a gap of 19 years. The combined energies of Shravan Mass and Purushottam Maas intensify the spiritual vibrations, enabling devotees to establish a deeper connection with the divine and fostering a deep sense of devotion and self-reflection, align with the cosmic rhythms, and experience spiritual transformation.

Benefits of Adhik Maas Pujas/rituals:

·      Observing a fast during this month is considered equivalent to performing hundred Yagnas/Havans and acts as the medium of attaining happiness, peace, and internal harmony

·      Observing of Adhik Maas Vrat pleases deities, and fulfills our desires, health, wealth, and get over difficult times


·      Observing rituals will help in doing good deeds (Satkarmas) such as Daana (donations), visiting of pilgrims, selfless acts, having control on one’s sensual desires (Indriyas), eliminate miseries, and move towards escaping the cycle of rebirth.

·      Repenting for any misdeeds or sins in any form will add spiritual merit to one’s life.

·      Performing of Graha Dosha Pujas will help reduce the malefic effects of Grahas in your horoscope.

·      It is a very beneficial month for Sadhaks to conduct reciting of Shrimad Bhagwat Purana, Bhavishyottar Purana, Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam, Shri Vishnu Purana, Vishnu Sahasranama, and Vishnu shlokas and Suktas.

·      Worshipping of Radha-Krishna or Lakshmi-Narayana during Brahma Muhurta that is between 4:00am to 6:00am will help in getting worthy blessings and washes away all the sins accumulated over the years.

Adhik Maas in 2023 provides an invaluable opportunity for spiritual seekers to embark on a reflective journey of self-discovery, self- purification, and spiritual upliftment by engaging in introspection, connecting with the supreme power, and seeking divine blessings.


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