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51 Stories Of US - Call For Submissions


Do you have a story about a special experience (good or bad) that you always tell your well wishers back home or something that always amazes you about your life in the US. Like AN UNOFFICIAL GUIDEBOOK TO SURVIVING IN THE US.

Sunayna Pal came to USA with her husband in the fall of 2014. When she spoke to her friends and family back in India, she realized that they knew very little about life in USA. There were so many illusions and incorrect notions about the people and their life. This realization irked her somewhere.

51 Stories of US began as an attempt to collect and showcase stories of people staying in the United States originating from the Indian Subcontinent (Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives and of course India) Everyone comes to the US with some preconceived notions. Slowly we learn new things and collect new experiences. This anthology is an attempt to collect these unique and unexpected experiences and present it to our well wishers back home and offer it as AN UNOFFICIAL GUIDEBOOK TO SURVIVING IN THE US.

Sunayna wants to know what brought them to this lovely land of USA and have kept them here. What are their thoughts and experiences? What were their expectations and how different is the reality and many more questions. She is collecting stories from all over the US.

Do you want to be a part of this book that she hopes will become a series? Write to her about your story at 51storiesofus@gmail.com.

Sunayna Pal, born and brought up in Mumbai, moved to the USA after her marriage. A double postgraduate from XLRI and Annamalai University, she worked in the corporate world for five odd years before opting out to embark on her heart's pursuits - Raising funds for NGOs by selling quilled art and became a certified handwriting analyst. She helps everyone understand themselves better by using a mix of graphotherapy, healing and affirmations.

In midst of all this and being a new mother, she devotes all her free time to writing and Heartfulness. Dozens of her articles and poems have been published and she is a proud contributor of many international anthologies. Her name has recently appeared in "The Fathom mag," "Dear Anonymous," and "Poetry Super highway."

She loves to write from her daily life experiences. This book is one such endeavor. Word limit - 750 to 1200 words. The final Deadline is 1st November 2018 or until full. Each contributor gets $50* for each accepted story.

Submission guidelines here - https://www.sunaynapal.com/51-stories-of-us

Connect on FB here - https://www.facebook.com/51storiesofus/

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