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SAPNE Folk Literature Event

Bijoy Misra

SAPNE Folk Literature Event, August 18

Indian culture lives among people.  The vast regions of South Asia are the home of world’s oldest mythology, folklore, ballads and rhythm of life.  We have not studied if a rhythm is inherent in human biology or if we learn the rhythm from nature.  Rhythm becomes our company in life, we perform our best when we are in rhythm.  Rhythm is harmony in human existence and it manifests in human expressions.  Without fully analyzing it, we settle it as an inner voice and then we use the term “God”.

Rhythm transforms in India to folklore which become our everyday guide for conduct and living.  Man’s views of the constraints in society, limitations in life, the cycles of happiness and sorrow, the ebbs of wellness and sickness – all make rhythm.  Creative bards compose poems to narrate the human condition.  The mothers in the society take the songs as instructional material for their children to teach them the paths life, its righteousness, struggles and pitfalls.

Folklore is the mainstay of Indian culture and literature.  Some of the folklores get absorbed into the formal scriptures to be regarded as hymnals.  Folklores get woven together to create epics that display the larger drama of life.  Folklores get ornamented by creative artists through further imagination and lyricism with the use of grammar and literary techniques.   Creative artists depict the folklores in frescoes, paintings and in sculptures and we have a celebration of faith and religion.

SAPNE, the local poets’ group, explored India’s folk literature through a picnic last year. 


The group is trying to reorganize this year.  This is an invitation for all literature lovers and enthusiasts to assemble and celebrate.  Please contact Sanjeev Tripathi at sanjeevkt@hotmail.com or Neena Wahi at neeshina@gmail.com  if you can participate.

South Asian Poets of New England is a volunteer group to promote creative writing and literature among the immigrant community.  Originally started in 1997 as an India Poetry Reading event at Harvard University, the group formally meets every quarter since 2008.  The membership is free.  All are encouraged to participate and contribute.  SAPNE http://www.sapne.boston operates as a sister organization under the broader India Discovery Center http://www.indiadiscoverycenter.org.

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