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Laughter, Love And Meditation

Sushil Bhatia

Several years ago we used to read a column in newspapers by an internationally famous writer called ” With malice towards one and all” It was a very popular column and used to amuse everyone who could understand it.

Well, it is a great title for humor but if you really want to have fun and real laughter the real motto should be “ With malice towards none at all”. Once you reach that stage in your mind the rest starts to flow from there. This mental state gets rid of frustation and anger resulting in happiness which brings in love and enjoyment in life. But the fact remains that the most important thing in all this is to stay healthy first.

Good health is our greatest asset. However with the current hectic pace of life and high pressure living, we all suffer from varying degrees of stress. Stress and tension disrupt life, rob us of happiness and equilibrium, affect emotions and show up in the form of fatigue, poor heath and lack of inner serenity. To maintain good health, it is necessary to know how to deal with stress. But first we need to know what causes stress. When an emotional upheaval takes place-like the loss of a loved one, bad news, conflict’s one boss (home or office) or a missed deadline at work- an alarm goes off in the brain. This triggers the endocrine system of the body, which reacts to the stressor. The gains then produce adrenaline for a “fight or flight” response.

Action taken immediately reduces the stress. Inaction prolongs the state of stress resulting in exhaustion, the body’s defenses becoming weak, resulting in headaches, backaches and a lot of other physical and emotional problems including depression. There are many ways top reduce stress. One of the most effective and well-regarded methods to bring harmony to the body and the get rid f the stress us the use of laughter therapy.

People use a number of techniques to relax and stay fit. One of these is an ancient technique called Laughter Therapy.

The feeling of joy that one experiences while laughing is unique and unparalleled. This combined with Yoga and Meditation, harmonizes all our sense organs in a moment of total concentration and brings equilibrium to mind, body and breathing…. Which are like the three strands of a rope.

It has been proven by researchers all over the world that laughter therapy is a simpler, easier and more enjoyable form of stress busting than any of the more expensive methods.

In spite of its benefits, it has not been always possible for most people, from those working long hours in the field to those in high-powered professional positions to practice laughter therapy on a daily basis because of the ongoing stress in their lives. Most people need some kind of stimulus to provoke laughter…jokes or funny experiences to really set them off.

In a laughter therapy, different techniques are used to make people laugh without relying on jokes or constructed humorous events. The problem with telling jokes in a group environment is that the quality of jokes slowly deteriorates and most people start to take offence to that.

People using laughter therapy have found these techniques to be very relaxing, and have experienced dramatic relief from stress related disorders such as sleeplessness, depression, tension and migraine headaches, hypertension, chronic bronchitis, asthma and a host of other ailments. This result in better health and all the things that flow from there. Keep on laughing and meditating. These techniques are covered in separate articles.

(Sushil Bhatia is the founder of Laughing Clubs of America and can be reached at 508-620-6563. )

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