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Sudhir Parikh


Our Life is governed by our own Philosophy.  Our Philosophy is influenced by some INSPIRATION.  Thomas Edison says that one % INSPIRATION and 99% Perspiration – A formula for Success.   In this series we will cover some INSPIRATIONAL Quotes by some great Persons.  

1.     Arise, Awake and Stop NOT till Goal is achieved!  From Kathopanishad and   Swami Vivekananda promoted that so much so that many felt it was created by him!

The following are based upon Paramhansa YOGANANDA, the Founder of Self Realization Fellowship in CA USA.

Theme is INNER PEACE – How to be Calmly Active and Actively Calm!  ORDINARY LIFE IS LIKE A PENDULUM, ceaselessly swinging back & forth.  The peaceful person remains calm until ready to work, and then he swings into action.  As soon as he is through, he swings back to the center of Calmness.  We should always be calm, like pendulum that is still, but ready to swing into action whenever necessary.  

(My personal take to this notion is, It is easier to get Master degree than to master, maintaining Inner Peace!)

Peace is NOT something that we can buy.   It is something we must learn to find within ourselves.  And in to-day’s high-pressure world, the need for Inner Peace has never been so great.  This wise and soothing guide demonstrates how we can be “Actively Calm” and “Calmly Active” centered in the stillness and joy of our own essential nature while Living Dynamic, Fulfilling, and Spiritually balanced Life!

Lesson # 1:   A.  Where can I find Peace?

·       Peace emanates from the Soul, and is the sacred inner environment in which true happiness unfolds.

·       Through Meditation, one can experience a stable, silent Inner Peace that can be permanently soothing background for all harmonious or trial some activities demanded by life’s responsibilities.  Lasting happiness lies in maintaining this evenly peaceful state of mind.

·       Everything we do should be with Peace.  This is the most wonderful way to live.

To be continued …..

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