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Recipes - Memory Foods


Following is a list of memory boosting and brain power superfoods packed with nutrients high in Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, as well as folate, calcium, potassium and magnesium, and betacarotene. 

The % values are for a 2000 calorie diet.

  1. Milk = Vitamin B6: 5%, Vitamin B12: 15%, Calcium: 28%, Magnesium: 6.5%, Potassium: 11%
  2. Spinach = Vitamin B6: 11%, Vitamin E: 5%, Folate: 33%, Calcium: 12%, Magnesium: 20%, Potassium: 12% 
    Others foods that are rich in anthocyanins, formidable antioxidants are blueberries, strawberries, jambu fruit (jamun)
  3. Black-eyed beans (peas) = Vitamin B6: 3%, Folate: 26%, Calcium: 11%, Magnesium: 11%, Potassium: 10%
  4. Acorn squash = Vitamin B6 : 12, Folate: 6%, Calcium: 6%, Magnesium: 13%, Potassium:16%,
  5. Pink salmon = Vitamin B6 : 13, Vitamin B12 62%, Vitamin E: 6%, Calcium: 18%, Magnesium: 7%, Potassium: 8%,
  6. Kidney beans = Vitamin B6 : 6%, Folate: 29%, Calcium: 3%, Magnesium: 10%, Potassium: 10%,
  7. Orange juice, calcium-fortified (3/4 cup) = Vitamin B6 :5%, Vitamin C: 103%, Folate: 8%, Calcium: 23%, Magnesium : 5%, Potassium: 11%
  8. Papaya = Vitamin E : 17%, Folate: 29%, Calcium: 7%, Magnesium: 8%, Potassium: 22%
  9. Potato, baked (1/2 cup) Vitamin B6: 9%, Vitamin C: 13%, Folate: 1%, Magnesium: 4%, Potassium: 7%
  10. Broccoli = Vitamin B6: 6%, Vitamin E: 7%, Folate: 10%, Calcium: 4%, Magnesium: 5%, Potassium: 7%
  11. Wheat germ = Vitamin B6 : 7%, Vitamin: E 13%, Folate: 12%, Magnesium: 11%, Potassium: 4%
  12. Banana (1 medium size) = Vitamin B6: 34, Vitamin C: 18%, Magnesium: 9%, Potassium: 13%
  13. Vegetable juice, low sodium (6 oz.) = Vitamin B6: 9%, Vitamin C: 56%, Vitamin E: 2%, Folate: 7%, Magnesium: 4%, Potassium: 7%
  14. Tofu = Folate : 6%, Calcium: 3%, Magnesium: 6%, Potassium: 5%
  15. Honey= . Honey may boost memory due to its antioxidant properties, which help to prevent free radicals damaging cells in the body.
  16. Water = Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. 85% of brain tissue is water. Dehydration can cause energy generation in the brain to decrease.


    •  7 oz unripe papaya, peeled and cut into chunks
    •  1 oz chana dal
    •  / 2 oz freshly grated or desiccated coconut
    • 1 green chilli
    • 1 t fennel seeds
    • 2 Tbs oil
    • 1 t mustard seeds
    • 1 large onion, finely chopped
    • A few curry leaves
    • 1 t turmeric powder
    • Salt


In a large saucepan of salted water, cook the papaya, covered, over a medium heat for 15 minutes until the fruit is tender. Drain and set aside.

Meanwhile, wash the chana dal in cold water. In a small saucepan, bring 225 ml / 8 fl oz of salted water to the boil, add the chana dal and cook, covered, for 10-15 minutes until well cooked. Set aside.

Using a spice mill or pestle and mortar, grind the coconut, green chilli and fennel to a fine paste.

In a large frying pan, heat the oil. Add the mustard seeds and as they begin to pop, add the onion and curry leaves. Stir well and cook over a medium heat until the onion is golden brown. Add the ground coconut mixture, then reduce the heat and cook, stirring for 2-3 minutes. Mix in the cooked papaya and chana dal and serve hot.


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