The Commonwealth Seminar Invites Applications
Press Release 11/12/2015
The Commonwealth Seminar is an intensive training program focused on teaching diverse leaders how the Massachusetts Legislature really works. Top state legislators, legislative staff, media members, and administration policymakers will introduce student leaders to the Legislature and state government generally. By giving an insiders' view of the process, our goal is to encourage diverse leaders to become effective advocates and to pursue careers in public service.
Who Should Apply? The Commonwealth Seminar is a privately funded program with a mission of opening the doors of the State House. Our target audience is leaders from communities of color, immigrant communities, and others working to directly benefit those communities. You should be prepared to make a compelling argument in the application about how you fit into the target audience.
We are looking for leaders who meet those criteria and who have a proven track record of leadership in their communities. We place a high value on creating a seminar class that is diverse racially, ethnically, and geographically. Successful candidates for the Commonwealth Seminar will have a basic understanding of state government and a clear desire to use the skills learned through the seminar to make positive change. Acceptance to the seminar is on a competitive basis, and Commonwealth Seminar staff and advisers will make all final decisions about the makeup of the seminar.
The Commonwealth Seminar is accepting applications. THE DEADLINE TO APPLY is Friday, November 13 2015, and decisions will be announced the following week. Seminar sessions will begin December 3, 2015, and be held weekly through January 14, 2016. Please note that two of the sessions, on December 16 and January 14, will start at 4:00 p.m. to accommodate our Year-End Gathering for graduates and our Graduation, respectively.
The seminar will be held on the following dates and times: - Thursday, December 3, 5:30 p.m., MAPC - Thursday, December 10, 5:30 p.m., MAPC - Wednesday, December 16, 4:00 p.m., State House, Room TBD - Thursday, January 7, 5:30 p.m., MAPC - Thursday, January 14, 4:00 p.m. Graduation, State House, Room TBD
You should be able to participate in all five sessions to make it worthwhile to apply.
For further information and application, visit:
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