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Syed Amir Ali Appointed To The Statewide Youth Council Of The Governor Of Massachusetts

Press Release

Twenty year old Indian American Boston University student, Syed Amir Ali, has been appointed to the Governor of Massachusetts’ Statewide Youth Council. With the election results just declared, Syed Amir will get to work with two Governors, the current, Governor Deval Patrick, and the newly elected Governor Charlie Baker.
Syed Amir is a Dean Scholar at Boston University, majoring in Biomedical Engineering. He graduated from Boston College High School in 2012 with High Honors. Syed Amir’s parents Dr. Shabana Islam and Dr. Syed M. Ali live in North Andover and describe him as a very passionate, modest, friendly, outgoing and energetic person. Working with the Governors is perfect for his personality and passions as an individual who often goes the extra mile to help his fellow youth.

Syed Amir’s hope through this council is to be able to incorporate minority and international youth voices towards policy making and to advise the Governor with an often unheard perspective to benefit the lives of the misunderstood and underrepresented voices in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The Indian American community of Massachusetts collectively feels a sense of pride and satisfaction for this milestone and wishes him great success in this endeavor.

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